Candy Gibbs

Sitting here this moment, I will tell that I am so thankful for His Presence.  You know, that presence is so tangible at times.  So thick…so thick that it can hold us up; our physical bodies, our emotional needs, and our broken hearts.
<h2>His Presence sustains us.</h2>
<img title=”the Calling of our children” src=”×221.jpg” alt=” Candy Gibbs, Brian Gibbs, Pearls curriculum, Chosen curriculum, Purity Curriculum, parenting, parents, parenthood, parenting resources, positive parenting, raising children, help for parents, parent help, teenagers, how to parent a teenager, how to parent, parents of teenagers, purity, mentoring, mentor, mentors, mentor programs, mentoring programs” width=”300″ height=”221″ />

One of the heaviest burdens we bear is our children.  We feel such responsibility.  We are responsible for their physical needs being met, for pointing them to Christ, for encouraging their passions, for fostering a healthy relationship with them, for loving them and certainly there are many more we could add.  But one thing that occurred to me this morning is that we are <em>not</em> responsible for their calling, their purpose.

As we near the end of 2012 and look ahead to 2013 I would like to suggest some ideas for goal setting for our teens and children.  You can expect that in the next couple weeks.  But I was praying about that this morning and I wanted to clarify a few things before we move that direction.
<li>The purposes and callings of our children are not our responsibility.  I don’t know about you, but that sure relieved some pressure for me this morning.  “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord…”  Jeremiah 29:11.  It’s not for us to research or demand.  It’s between the two of them.  He has a unique plan for each of them and He’s working His plan.  Our part is to teach them to listen for Him.  In my mind, His favorite game is hide and seek…He loves thrill and loves to be found.  Teach your kids to play along.</li>
<li>Callings are not something that are “drummed up”.  Your calling, your spouse’s calling, your children’s callings are not something that you have to orchestrate.  Sure we need to have a good work ethic.  We need to set goals.  We need to operate in excellence in all things as a good testimony of the King.  But you can’t create your own calling or that of those you love.  He simply leads you into it.  Whatever His calling is for them, He is there. The precious feet of the Dream Giver firmly planted in the soil of their inheritance, leading them there.  The key is to see Him and follow.  Simple.</li>
<li>Callings aren’t to be compared.  As a parent, it is sure easy to see other young people and either compare our children to them or try and discount or diminish their accomplishments to make our children feel better (or us feel better).  Fact is the callings of others are to be celebrated because their greatness does not diminish the callings of our loved ones.  Peter asked the Lord about John’s calling saying, “What about him?”  Jesus responded, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? <em>You</em> must follow Me.” John 21:22.  He’s not forgotten our youngins.  He has called them to something great, regardless of what their peers are called to.</li>
I love Him and I love you.  Asking Him to begin to reveal His calling and purposes for your family.  Chase Him.  His feet are planted on your land.  Join Him.

Love you and Merry Christmas,


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