Candy Gibbs

I bet you can hear me celebrating from where you are standing!  Very rarely do we have such great news to report related to pornography and the full on attack this culture is making against our families, but that is not the case today!  Thank you Porn Harms for fighting a fight against one of the most profitable, evil, damaging industries today!  Google, we thank you for doing what you can to protect decency.

If you need a little encouragement as you continue to set boundaries and do all that you can to safe guard your own family, you will want to take time to read these articles.

Please don’t think in any way this means you can let your guard down.  I wish that were the case, but it simply is not.  Be diligent in guarding your family.  The culture and the enemy are certainly diligent in trying to get a foothold. 

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 NIV

Here’s a little research our team has done that may help you!

Great sites with general technology safety: (This one has a really good internet safety checklist.)

Web-browsers that have parental protection and filtering: 

K9 Web Protection Browser

By Blue Coat Systems, Inc.

It’s free,

Mobicip Safe Browser with Parental Controls

This is $4.99 and had positive reviews. If you want to customize the filtering you have to pay for a subscription service at $9.99 per year.

Programs that will allow you to see the phone calls and text messages your child is sending:

Here is program to help you track social media. You link your children’s accounts to it and the program will send you reports on risky behavior and flags inappropriate language. Obviously having access to your child’s account would eliminate the need for this, but you may find this helpful.

How to set-up parental controls:

Apple Devices:

Kindle/Kindle Fire:



**Take the time to research for yourself what device your child has, what parental controls are available.  No parental control is fool-proof (our kids are smart), we need to be the one’s monitoring, not the device.

Two Free E-books from Covenant Eyes:

Protecting Your Family Online–

Parenting the Internet Generation–

I’d love to know what filters/monitors you’ve used and how it works for your family.  Let’s do this thing together!
My love,

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