Candy Gibbs

Recently, a few friends and I have been going through Beth Moore’s Deuteronomy bible study.  It is shorter than her typical studies, but whoa, it is powerful.  When you sit down to study the Word, is Deuteronomy the first book you turn to?  If you’re like me, probably not.  
We have only been through a few weeks, but I can already tell this study is going to shake us and shape our thinking. Deuteronomy 6:23 says “And he brought us out from there, that He might bring us in and give us the land that He swore to give to our fathers.” He brought us out–to bring us in.  How does that land on you?  For me, it brings to mind all of the things the Lord has brought me out of–sin, rebellion, hurt, despair–I could go on and on.  Hasn’t He reached down (with His mighty arms that are not too short to save!) and rescued all of us from the enemy and from ourselves?  But, why?

Why did He bring us out?  To bring us in!  Not only to bring us into His will and to us get in line with His plan for our lives, but to bring us into His glory!  Moses said “show me your glory” and yet, we know he saw the glory of the Lord all the time.  Moses wanted more!  God brought us out so that we can point back and say to others “Look.  Look what my God did.  He will do it for you.”  We get to share in His glory when we proclaim the works of the Lord.  When we point to Him and say “He is the One. He saves. He redeems.”  I don’t know about you, but I want to take part in that every day. Our God is good, let’s proclaim His glory!  

1 Chronicles 16:24 
Declare His glory among the nations, 
His marvelous works among all peoples.”

My love, 

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