Candy Gibbs

A couple of weekends ago, CareNet Pregnancy Centers & Mentoring Programs hosted a Rescue Parenting Seminar.  I had the privilege of sharing with parents my own experiences and teaching through the Rescue book and DVD.

What we know is that this culture is drowning.  We also know that we know the One Who stands above the waves.  Can you see Him?  Do you want to reach for Him and walk with Him?  It’s no easy task and it might make your teen feel left out (God calls that “set apart” by the way).  Your teens are MORE than conquerors.  They CAN make a difference in their culture.



Here is what a few parents had to say:

“Thank you so much for helping equip parents!  The most helpful thing for me was the encouragement to set our own standards and not waver.  We will look different than families around us. It is discouraging at times to be different. It was a great reminder that the things we do that are counter cultural matter…a lot. I found the insights on homosexuality interesting and helpful. The illustration that our teens are not meant to just tread water but walk on it and influence others was impactful.  Set the bar high! This seminar helped us understand more about the culture our kids are growing up in,  and we felt more equipped to help them through conversations, prayer, and setting parameters.”

“So very blessed to be able to attend the seminar!  I have shared many amazing (and scary) facts with parents already.  I will send many friends to attend in the future!  As a parent, the encouragement that Candy shared was amazing.  I would have a hard time picking a favorite thing because it was all very helpful and usable information! Loved the “Treading Tips”.  Parents definitely want quick, easy, usable tips to put into action.”

Please plan to join us for the next Rescue Parenting Seminar.  We will be announcing dates on our website and facebook soon!

My love,

candy gibbs, rescue parenting, teen parenting amarillo, parenting help amarillo, parenting teens amarillo




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