Candy Gibbs


Jake and I recently had the opportunity to speak in Wichita Falls with a group of parents who are committed to raising warriors.  I shared a portion of Jake’s first talk earlier this week. We talked about Technology (see latest updated Technology Handout) and other things kids are struggling with in today’s culture.

Jake took a minute to talk with parents about standing your ground. See what he has to say…

Standing your ground in middle school and high school can be intimidating and scary, but as Jake says, it can provide strength for others and then you find out who your real friends are. Those who are willing to stand up and fight with you.

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”  1 Timothy 4:12

My love,

candy gibbs, rescue parenting, teen parenting amarillo, parenting help amarillo, parenting teens amarillo


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Buy Candy’s book Rescue here! 

Candy GibbsYou can swim confidently into the murky waters of parenting teens! Rescue offers wisdom, encouragement, and practical applications. Working with a group of young “Lifeguards” throughout the book, Candy Gibbs gives struggling parents the life preservers they need to rescue teens from a drowning culture. With Biblical insights and Candy’s own creative techniques, Rescue is the “Noah’s Ark” of parenting books, ensuring that today’s teens will carry on a legacy of godliness to generations to come. Find out more! 

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