College! I’m Not Ready!!
Posted on August 2, 2019 in Parenting

“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husband and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” -Titus 2:3-5
Can I just say that this scripture has not only urged me to be a good wife and mother through the years, but my faithful friends living out the admonition of this passage have talked me off the ledge, talked me out of hysterics, driven me to my knees, calmed my fears and made me laugh until my sides ached! I am yet again in a season of life that my Christ-like sisters who are just a few steps ahead of me on this journey are encouraging me to keep my head up and my feet moving! Oh, how I love them!
When Brian and I were dating and preparing for marriage I had a wonderful woman who gave me great advice like always keep your marriage first, don’t stress about the small things and never stop laughing together. Then throughout pregnancies and sleepless nights with babies and toddlers, the “older women” in my life brought meals, prayed for us and rocked colicky babies so I could sleep! The teenage years are a blur but I can hear the many different beautiful voices of my friends saying things like, enjoy every moment, don’t stop we can see the finish line, don’t take yourself so seriously and battles are won on your knees. But I must say, thinking back over the many transition points in my life, the time I have needed them most is now.
You see, I have three children. My oldest son, Tanner is a US Airman, and his precious wife, Whitney, and my four grands just moved to Mississippi, which is way too many miles from this GiGi! My son, Jake, is 20 and a student at Texas A&M, and my baby, Madison, is an 18-year-old soon to be freshman in Aggieland as well! We are in the throes of transition in the Gibbs home and I am not transitioning well. In a few days, we will be taking my baby girl to Texas A&M where she will join her best friend, her big brother!
To be honest, Madi will do amazingly well. She is ready physically, academically, emotionally and spiritually. I don’t remember the last time she needed re-directing, let alone, to be punished. She is just mature, strong, and prepared. She has had victory and adversity and she has learned tough life lessons through them both. She is ready and I am not worried about her at all.
So, when the tears come (and there have been a lot of them), it isn’t out of worry or fear that we haven’t prepared her. The tears are simply because…I will miss her deeply, to the deepest part of my soul and I am not ready for this transition.
For those moms standing looking into the quickly approaching, unavoidable horizon of sending a youngin off to school…I would like to share a few of the nuggets my precious friends have shared with me. Thank you, Suzanne, Cindy, my Brenda and countless others for living reverent lives and being such an encouragement and safe place to so many of us…
- You have done a wonderful job. All the late-night runs to Walmart for the last-minute project supplies (ok I know they assigned them 6 weeks ago but you know what I mean) and nachos at midnight so you could have some talk time…it all mattered.
- Write a note to leave with them when you say goodbye on move in day. I know we have so many things we want to say, but it may be hard for the words to come in that moment. Take a little time to put your heart in writing and then leave it under their pillow.
- Make plans for the next time you will see them. It will give everyone something to look forward to and it will help with the missing.
- Set a time to talk to them each week. Texting is wonderful, but your momma’s heart is going to need to hear their voice. We can tell a lot just by their tone. ????
- Your relationship doesn’t have to change. That one actually came from Jake when we dropped him off just 2 years ago! He said, “Mom just because I am not living here doesn’t mean our relationship has to change. We will always be close and you will always be my momma.”
- Tears are cleansing. Let them come. They are simply authentic love.
- There are so many beautiful things about this new season. Learn to find the beauty and wonder in it.
Well, that’s it. I will have you on my heart as the Gibbs family faces what lies just days ahead. We can do this!! I will leave you one last thing Jake said to me during one of my many…well you know… ???? and believe me, I intend to put it into practice with my precious Mads!
“Momma, breathe. You have done a great job. Now it is time for me to do mine.”
My love,