I love the holidays and I cannot even believe that they are upon us! Time is flying by! I have such fond memories of holidays spent at my nana’s house with all of my cousins. Those memories, no matter how distant, are still magical in my heart. As an adult, who has spent some years doing this crazy adventure of living, there has been some sadness as well. The holidays though wonderful and priceless can sometimes be difficult. I was thinking about that recently and immediately realized that many of us are in that place. As we think about the upcoming holidays, we feel sadness, overwhelmed, insecure or angry. Despair engulfs the upcoming holiday like a dense fog, yet we want to have a joyful anticipation.
I was shopping today, and the thought crossed my mind that I would love to call my mom and my sister to meet for lunch. Couldn’t happen though because my momma went to be with Jesus much too young. I see moms and daughters, particularly over the holidays, together and I wonder if that daughter truly knows how blessed she is?
My grandfather, Papa, was the backbone of our family. He spoke little but he spoke life. He brought peace to chaos through his faith and strength. Some of my fondest memories are of my Papa reading the story of the birth of the Savior to our family on Christmas Eve. This Christmas he will be celebrating with my momma before the very throne of the Savior. I miss him.
Madi graduated from college in May and Jake is still finishing up this semester of medical school. The house is quieter, and the magic is different, still magic, but different.
The Lord reminded of me this scripture in Psalm, “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.”
Holidays will always change. Circumstances change. Relationships change. But our God, our Father, he doesn’t. Whatever our life situation, if we will look to the Lord and seek His face, His radiant beauty speaks joy, hope, faithfulness and peace into the fog of our circumstance. It is His strength that we are so desperate for.
This holiday season, I wonder what it was like for Mary to gaze into the face of her son, her Savior…God. On that quiet morning, what fog did His mere presence dispel on her behalf? The beauty that must have been in His eyes and the healing that must have come from that innocent, pure gaze.
It is my prayer that we would experience the Christ this holiday season. That we would look to Him through our fog and find healing and hope when our eyes meet His. It will be at that moment when we find His strength to take the next step.
So, as you prepare your turkey and wrap those gifts, “Look to the Lord and His strength. Seek His face…”
Merry Christmas and much love,

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