Candy Gibbs

Candy Gibbs

Author + Speaker

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Parenting Resources!

If you don't teach your children, the culture will ... Get equipped!

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It's time for a new generation who lives unafraid - who stands boldly in truth.

Our children are not called to “fit in” and look like everyone else. The Word says that they are to be over-comers. They are to be the influence, and it’s our job to teach them how! There are plenty of voices telling them who they should and should not be. Our role is to be the voice consistently declaring that they are fully equipped, and when difficulty comes, that they have a good Father who has provided them weapons for the battle. It is time for us as parents to rise up, to swim against the current of the culture, and to raise the standard for our children!

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Candy shares regularly at Pro-Life events, as well as, teen and parent events around the country. She is a powerful and dynamic speaker who brings bold truth amidst a “tip-toeing” culture. She is not shy in her approach as she empowers and inspires you to step into your God-given authority and go against the grain of cultural norms. Her presentations provide tools for parenting, technology, overcoming your past, living a life of faith, walking in your destiny, identity and intimacy with God.

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Brown Beige and White Bold Modern Religious Christian Bible Verse Christmas Greeting Facebook Post (Presentation)

Linger at the Manger

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the beauty and innocence of imagining an encounter with that heavenly baby boy brings joy and peace beyond description.  When I imagine the shepherds as they bowed before the King of Kings nestled…

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Lessons From Mary

Let’s go on a journey of looking at the manger and take time to consider and ponder the events of the night. Within the moments is an intimate, personal experience for each of us; an opportunity to gaze into the…

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Blog - Holiday Fog

Holiday Fog

I love the holidays, and I cannot even believe that they are upon us!  Time is flying by!  I have such fond memories of holidays spent at my nana’s house with all my cousins.  Those memories, no matter how distant,…

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