Candy Gibbs

Mothers and sons, what a divine and beautiful bond!  I have enjoyed this subject so much and would love for some of you mothers of sons to give some feedback in the comments.  Some of the very best moms I know have read the posts (you know who you are!) and we would love your feedback.

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I want to wrap up this series by giving some advice to sons about what they can do to foster and strengthen their relationship with their mom.  Young men often times are less verbal and can be uncomfortable with the emotions of a woman.  One reason that the bond between a mother and son is so valuable is because it gives young men a window into the heart of a woman, which will be so valuable to him later.

So sons, here are some suggestions for you.
<h3>Take it upon yourself to have a relationship with your mom.</h3>
<li>No one is crazier about you than your mom.  She prays for you.  She thinks about you and she is on your side.  You mom is your biggest cheerleader and will always be in your corner.</li>
<li>Buy your mother a birthday present.  It doesn’t need to be expensive.  Truly the thoughtfulness behind it is what will be such a blessing to her.  A note thanking her for all she does will be just what she hoped for.  For Christmas this year, my son Jake gave me a calendar that he has made.  It was so thoughtful and one of the most precious gifts I have ever received.</li>
<li>Go see a movie that she chooses.  Moms often times make many sacrifices.  When you allow her to choose the restaurant or the movie she will feel appreciated.</li>
<li>How about a hug?  It means so much to me when my son comes and simply gives me a hug.</li>
<h3>Submit to your mom.</h3>
Submission is an act of one’s will.  It is more than simply obedience.  Submission is decided to lay down your will for the will of another.  Remember that your mom is your authority and you need to be obedient and take her seriously.  Don’t make it difficult for her.  She deserves your respect.
<h3>Believe her advice on girls.</h3>
Your mom understands girls.  She understands how they think and she has a good idea of their motives.  Your mother is your best ally when it comes to girls.  Listen to hear and trust her judgment.  She has been there and she can save you a lot of trouble.

You are a gift to your mom and she is a gift to you.  Cherish one another and always make an effort to maintain a strong bond.  This life is short and difficult.  Your mom is a sure refuge and shelter from life’s difficulties.


Much love, Candy

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