Candy Gibbs

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<span >Psalm 102:18</span>
<span >“Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD.”</span>

<span >Let THIS be written…</span>

<span >What is the “this”?</span>
<span >The psalmist has just proclaimed…</span>

<span >The Lord sits enthroned forever…</span>
<span >His renown endures for all generations</span>
<span >He will rise and have compassion</span>
<span >The nations will revere the Lord and all the kings will give Him glory</span>
<span >He WILL respond to the prayer of the destitute</span>


<span >We want to write some things down….we so that we will remember…so that our children for generations will know…</span>

<span >The Lord sits on HIS throne forever!</span>
<span >His renown endures and HE rises to show us compassion</span>
<span >Nations revere Him and kings will bow and give Him the glory He deserves</span>
<span >And OH, How he responds to the prayers of the destitute.</span>
<div ><span >This is OUR GOD…write it down…remember!</span></div>
<span >The Israelites wrote things down to remind themselves and their children of the faithfulness and provision of the Father.</span>

<span >Has He been faithful to CareNet and the wonderful people we have the opportunity to serve!<span >  </span></span>

<span >Our ministry is 3 fold, we serve men, women, teens and families before they find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, we minister to people in the midst of their crisis, and then we continue to journey with them following that situation.<span >  </span>All of our services are free of charge and confidential.<span >  </span>We don’t receive any state or federal funding…all of our support comes from churches, private grants and from individuals like you.</span>

<span >Our abstinence education has been a strong presence in our community since we opened in 1988…something that may surprise you is that Charise Nesbitt had begun giving abstinence presentations in the area before the center ever opened its doors…so abstinence education was the very first service ever offered.<span >  </span>We added a new component to our message in 2004 with our mentoring programs.<span >  </span>We have seen our mentoring programs literally explode!<span >  </span>We now offer 6 different mentoring programs; Chosen, Squires, Pearls, Bravehearts, True U and Lead Council, serving young people ages 8 through their sophomore year in college!<span >  </span>There are no words to adequately communicate the blessing of the Lord and the amazing support of many of you that have allowed us to develop and produce 2 of the curricula that we use…Chosen was completed last year.<span >  </span>We are thrilled about this because now other pregnancy centers and churches can take our curriculum and use it to share Christ and raise a standard in their own community.<span >  </span>We believe that our young people are not only capable but called to live a life of purity.<span >  </span>They can make an impact…they can be influencers.<span >  </span></span>

<em>It is written</em><span >…</span><span > “When</span><span > <span >the</span> <span >enemy</span> <span >comes</span> <span >in</span> <span >like</span> <span >a</span> <span >flood</span>, <span >The</span> Spirit of <span >the</span> LORD will lift up <span >a</span> standard <span >a</span>gainst him.” <span><a href=””><span >Isaiah 59:18-20</span></a></span></span>

<em ><span >Write this down</span></em><span >…. over 1,500 young people were impacted by our mentoring programs in 2011.</span>

<span >It is our privilege to serve people who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy.<span >  </span>In 2011, we performed 651 positive pregnancy tests. We talk to our clients about parenting and adoption as positive options for both them and their babies.<span >  </span>If a woman is considering an abortion, we talk with her about the physical, emotional and spiritual risks associated with that decision.<span >  </span>We also offer her an ultrasound free of charge.<span >  </span>We hear many discussions about being pro-life or pro-choice, particularly in election years like this one.<span >  </span>A couple things I would like you to notice…one is we do not debate that a baby in its mother’s womb is alive.<span >  </span>It is… we can see amazing, life changing images thanks to the technology of ultrasound.<span >  </span>No doubt, it is a living human baby.<span >  </span>The second thing I want you to notice are the arguments made in support of abortion…things like, it’s a woman’s right to choose, you can’t legislate morality, stay out of the bedroom, it is her body…<span >  </span>I can tell you that over the past 15 years I have sat in that very sacred, emotional, vulnerable place of decision with many, many women making the decision of life or death.<span >  </span>She never says, it’s my body, my right as a woman…those are political, shallow statements.<span >  </span>Their arguments sound more like…I don’t feel like I have any other option…my parents will kick me out…I’m headed to college in the fall…I have no money…my boyfriend will leave me.<span >  </span>It is usually 1 thing that makes her feel abortion is her only option.<span >  </span>It is our opinion that the loving thing to do is to walk beside her…help her with that thing pushing her down the path of destruction… give her the opportunity to choose life.<span >  </span></span>

<em ><span >It is written</span></em><span >, “</span><span >The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I <span >have</span> come <span >that</span> <span >they</span> <span >may</span> <span >have</span> <span >life</span>, and <span >that</span> <span >they</span> <span >may</span> <span >have</span> it more abundantly.” <span><a href=””><span >John 10:9-11</span></a></span></span>

<span><em ><span >Write this down</span></em></span><span><span >….In 2011, 103 pregnant women came through our doors seeking an abortion, and of those 100 chose life!</span></span>

<span >We believe that when we ask a woman or family to choose life for their baby…then we should offer them practical help and information.<span >  </span>We have programs to prepare them for labor and delivery and to take that sweet baby home…those would be our Baby Safety Class, our Child Birth classes, parenting classes, and classes for dads…all of these programs are taught by certified professionals and local doctors.<span >  </span>We have benevolence rooms at all three of our offices where a mom, dad, grandparent or guardian can come and receive diapers, formula, clothes and furniture free of charge each month.<span >  </span>We offer Bible studies and one-on-one mentoring as well.<span >  </span>CareNet is a provider of Twogether in Texas pre-marital classes.<span >  </span>Also, this year we added a class for women who have placed their babies for adoption called The Gift of a Lifetime.<span >  </span>Women are able to come and share their thoughts and emotions surrounding that decision and receive hope and comfort from those who have had a similar experience.<span >  </span>New Dawn, our post abortion ministry is strong and serving women who have experienced the pain of abortion.<span >  </span>The Lord does an incredible work of healing and restoration through that study.<span >  </span></span>

<span >Our interaction with our clients is not a thirty minute pregnancy test, but our hope is to journey with them and build authentic relationships that are long term and helpful.</span>

<em ><span >It is written</span></em><span >, “</span><span >For where <span >two</span> or three <span >are</span> <span >gathered</span> together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” <span><a href=””><span >Matthew 18:19-21</span></a><span >  </span></span></span>

<span><em ><span >Write this down</span></em></span><span><span >…</span></span><span >In 2011, CareNet had over 9,800 client interactions and since 1988, we have had the honor of serving over 75,000!<span >  </span></span>

<span >CareNet is a place where people from all ethnic groups, age groups and walks of life come for practical assistance and support.<span >  </span>We are able to provide mentoring programs, free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, resources, financial support, education, and Bible studies.<span >  </span>But you know, what they are searching for is freedom. <span > </span>To be filled in the empty places.<span >  </span>To be loved and tended to.<span >  </span>To be rescued.<span >   </span>You see those of us not caught in the same traps philosophy about what the best outcome might be.<span >  </span>Those caught in the trap, simply want out. <span > </span></span>

<span ><em>It is written</em>…”</span><span > The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,<sup>[<a title=”See footnote a” href=””><span >a</span></a>]</sup> <sup>2</sup> to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor” Isaiah 61:1-2</span>

<span ><em>Write this down</em>…in 2011, through the ministry of CareNet,<span >  </span>187 people received Christ as their Lord and Savior.</span>

<span >Preparing for our banquet, and I give many speeches each year, the banquet speech is always the most difficult for me.<span >  </span>Because you are our family, because you stand with us in this great work that the Lord has called all of us to and I want so badly for you to see in full color all that the Lord has done over the last year.<span >  </span>So I plan, and pray, and think and plan, and feel anxious…and on and on for a few weeks before the banquet.</span>

<span >Well, Tuesday morning, I have my worship music on and I am praying in the fashion that is most comfortable to me which is…music loud and walking around my house praying out loud.<span >  </span>And now Tuesday morning I am preparing to write this speech…so we are down to it…so image me, pacing, praying and basically reminding the Lord of what is on the agenda today.<span >  </span>And I’m saying you know Lord the theme this year is Write this down…I would really like something along those lines…you know write this down…written, pen, paper…I’m ready . I’m listening…</span>
<div ><span >And so I start to pray for the ministry… and here is what I journaled…</span></div>
<span >“Lord, this morning while I prepare to write this speech…staff and volunteers at all of our locations are on divine appointment.<span >  </span>Everyone who comes through our doors, whether for pregnancy tests or mentoring or for things…Lord, there is an evil assignment for them.<span >  </span>The enemy has evil planned for them.<span >  </span>Lord, thank you that this is a battlefield and we are often on what I believe to be the front lines…but thank you Lord that we don’t see the fatigues that we wear, that might be scary to us Lord.<span >  </span>Thank you too God that we don’t see the violence of battle that takes place around us and in the heavenlies.<span >  </span>We wear pretty clothes and we sit in a nice room and we see a hurting precious one in front of us…we don’t hear the enemies accusations or feel the fiery darts rush passed us…the battle wages all around us…and we sit in the shelter of the most High…armed for battle.”</span>

<span >And then it hit me…like a load of bricks.<span >  </span>We ARE armed for battle and we have one weapon…it is our sword…the very WRITTEN WORD of Almighty God.</span>

<span >The weapon that He uses to defeat the enemy is words…written and spoken.<span >  </span>Wonderful, life-giving words, covered in love and compassion…He is slow to anger and abounding in love.<span >  </span>He is the beginning and the end…he is the everlasting father, the great I am, the Lion of Judah and the coming King.<span >  </span>He is the victor, He is our Savior and His name is Jesus.<span >  </span>The love story of a King who came to a foreign land to rescue a bride and have the wedding feast of all eternity…<span >  </span></span>

<em ><span >It is written</span></em><span >…”Therefore, I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her.”<span >  </span>Hosea 2:14</span>

<em ><span >Write this down</span></em><span >…He wins, we win and oh how he loves us!</span>

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