Don’t Miss Him
Posted on June 17, 2013 in Uncategorized
Since my childhood, I have always thought it would be so interesting to be Jewish – to understand the customs of the Jewish faith and to learn and understand the meaning and symbolism associated with the Jewish feasts. I have taken the last couple of years to, in a very elementary way, study the Feast established by the Lord and given to the Israelite people.
I am amazed every time I commit myself to a deeper study of God’s Word. He is an artist who uses every means in the universe to paint a beautiful masterpiece of His Son and the gift given to us, to have an intimate relationship with Him. Please allow me to share a portion of one of our Chosen lessons relating to the observance of Passover.
<em><b> </b><b>“I want to focus on one part of the festivities…the Afikomen: There are three pieces of Matzah bread and they are layered. At one point the middle piece is broken, half is placed back where it came from and the other half is hidden somewhere in the house. After the meal, the children are sent to look for it and a reward is given to the one who finds it. Very exciting!!</b></em>
<em><b> </b><b>Okay, what do you think the broken piece of matzah bread represents??? Yes, Jesus!</b><b> Let me tell you something…many Jewish people do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. They believe that they are still waiting on the Savior. SO they are doing all of these traditional acts as representations of the coming Savior – and Jesus was the one all along. Here is the interesting part…ok, what was the middle piece of bread that was broken called…the Afikomen….do you know what that word means? “I came.”</b></em>
<em><b> </b><b>Jesus came…He is the Passover Lamb; if His blood is sprinkled over your life and heart, then you are His!”</b></em>
Can you imagine? Even in their observance of the feast…the Afikomen means “I came.” Another fact I find very interesting is that when Jesus and His disciples were having the Last Supper, they were actually the Passover meal. The scriptures all fit together to weave a beautiful tapestry. Oh how I pray that we observing will not miss the intricate detail or the beauty of it.
1) Pray that we never overlook His presence. I believe that so many times in our lives, if we would only look, we would see the fingerprints of our God all over the circumstances. Ask the Lord to help us to expect Him to show up. He is our ever-present help…why wouldn’t we expect daily encounters with Him?
Psalm 46:1; Deut. 4:7; Psalm 73:28; Jeremiah 16:19
2) Pray for our teens to develop an intimate, personal relationship with Christ, asking that they would be reverent, understanding that He wants their heart… that He desires a real relationship with them.
Hebrews 4:14-15
He is risen! The spotless, Sacrificial Lamb, once for all.
My love, Candy