Posted on June 17, 2013 in Uncategorized
<img title=”Encouragement” src=”https://candygibbs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/two-roads-300×196.jpg” alt=”Candy Gibbs, Pearls, Chosen, Purity Curriculum, parenting, parents, parenthood, parenting resources, positive parenting, raising children, help for parents, parent help, teenagers, how to parent a teenager, how to parent, parents of teenagers, purity, mentoring, mentor, mentors, mentor programs, mentoring programs” width=”300″ height=”196″ />
<span ><strong>Here is my post to them:</strong></span>
I hope you are having a great week! As soon as I type these questions, I am going into a prayer time for you! Praying that the Lord would give you favor and influence. That you would be reminded of the power of the Holy Spirit in you and that His Word will be alive and active in you. I know that many of you are looking into new possibilities. Some are looking for internships, looking to become a member of a cast and preparing to start your career. I am thankful that the Word tells us that He goes before and behind us. He makes the road rise up to meet us. I am praying that you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt where He is directing you. That He would give you perfect peace. Go get ’em!!
Okay, this week’s question:
I am working with a high school stud<span>ent who is really struggling. She comes from a good family and has involved, precious parents. She is in a season of full on rebellion. She has been dating a high-school drop out, drug dealer who may have another girl pregnant…behind her parents’ backs. He was arrested for drug possession and weapons. She still wants to be with him. Her parents are desperate. How do we reach her?</span>
<span><strong><span >Here are a couple of their responses…WOW!</span></strong></span>
<span><span >1) </span>That’s a rough situation, gosh I would hate to be going through some junk like that. If I were her parents this is how I would reach her ( I’m gonna write this as if I were her dad)… Honey I know you know that me and your mom love you more than anything in the world, we want you to be the happiest you could possibly be and we have all your best interest at heart! Now this decision your making by wanting to stay with this guy is not the one you want to make. Why would me and your family and everyone who loves you the most try to lead you down a path that would not be the absolute best for you! I can’t sit here and support you in something that I know will hurt the most precious thing to my heart! I’ll scream, cry and pray at and for you until you realize what your doing isn’t gonna be good for you. Now i don’t want to control you or make you do anything but if you keep thinking the way you are right now it’s going to get very uncomfortable for you, I’m going to have to take away everything that could aid you in hurting yourself, whether it’s your phone, car, or money I will no longer provide that for you as long as your heart is set the way it is. You are always welcome here where you will never get treated bad and will be provided for but your boyfriend is not allowed here. If you choose to go your own way I won’t stop you from leaving and even though it would break every one’s heart that truly does love you it doesn’t mean that any time you ever want back you will be welcomed back with open arms. But please don’t take that road that everyone who cares about you is promising you will lead to horrible horrible pain. I hope that you don’t make any life changing choices that you can never get rid of. Please don’t resent us for responding to your path you are choosing the way we have but you have to know that it is because we love you and want you to be the best and happiest you can be. Now read the story of the prodigal son and I want you to realize that I’m gonna be the same way to you as his dad was in the parable. I’m fighting as hard as I can for you but if you want to go eat with the pigs I’m so sorry for you but I’m here always and forever for you! I love you! And if you want more examples of people that have done what your choosing and regret it I can go on for days. Goodness I want you to be happy so bad I can’t stand it!
Love dad</span>
<span >2) </span>I wish I could say something that would be really helpful in this girls situation but me and my parents are in a similar situation with my sisters. I can tell you the two things I’ve learned one: the power of prayer always works! Be SPECIFIC with Jesus. Make her your “sun stand still” (sun stand still comes from a book and its about Joshua asking God to make the sun stop in the middle of the sky and delay its going down for a full day. “There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a human being. Surely the LORD was fighting for Israel!”)The next I would do is to tell the parents to cling to Psalm 34:18.
<span>I hope that encourages you…it certainly does me! Thank you God that you are strong in our weakness and we want you to be Mighty among us!!!</span>