Posted on June 17, 2013 in Uncategorized
Moms, this is where you have the corner on the market. I know we mothers are certainly not perfect and the Lord has much to teach us, but in most cases, you are gentle and loving toward your children. Every biblical principle is more readily learned through observation than from any spoken lesson. When you put a Band-Aid on their skinned knees, wipe their tears when their first pet dies, sleep next to them when they have a bad dream, or bring their lunch to them when they forget and leave it in the car…you are modeling gentleness.
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Here are some suggestions for you as you pray this week:
<h3>Pray for our daughters’ demeanor and attitude.</h3>
This pre-teen, teenage period of their lives is a very difficult age. These sweet girls are fighting for position amidst girls who are often unkind and hateful. Trying to maintain gentleness when there is a tendency toward a harsh, negative attitude can be difficult. (1 Peter 3:4; Galatians 5:22-26)
<h3>Pray for our daughters to stand up for what they believe.</h3>
We mothers must begin to develop in our daughters an ability to stand up for what they believe, to present truth – yet, to do so in gentleness and love. (1 Peter 3:15; Philippians 4:5)
<h3>Pray for our own gentleness.</h3>
Mothers model gentleness to our families. One thing the Lord showed me when my children were very young is that they pick up on our approach. If we are harsh and brash in our communication, they begin to take that tone as well. As you pray this week, please pray for all the mothers you know that when our daughters have that middle school “tude,” that we would be the adult. As we are firm, let us be loving in our approach and model the gentleness of Christ.
I want to encourage you as a mom to afford yourself the time to be gentle. Busy-ness steals so much from us and from our families. Just the word “gentleness” conveys the idea of soaking, lingering, quiet, calm, slow, warmth and peace. What a beautiful experience for you to bring to the table, a quiet, gentle spirit. I am not saying that you must be silent and lack passion or motivation. I am saying don’t resist providing the gift the Father has uniquely created for you to deliver.
You sharpen me. I love the opportunity to be around mothers who are passionate about our Lord and passionate about their families. I love moms who are willing to battle in the Spirit and walk it out in the physical. You model that for me and I am eternally grateful to you.
All my love, Candy