Let the Games Begin!
Posted on June 17, 2013 in Uncategorized
And to top it all off, in the morning at 10:00 am a group of 60 young ladies ready to meet with the King will desend on us for Chosen Camp!! I love little girls. I love children. I love teenagers. And can I tell you that I love them because I choose to?
Just a couple weeks ago we had what my man has named “Fab Friday”. We had 3 nieces, 2 nephews, 1 grandboy, my Jake and Madi and 1 sweet friend…that’s 9…of the most wonderful kids in the world stay the night. We had pizza, threw us some washers, played football, side walk chalked and had some chocolate, of course. It was a ball!
Can I also tell you that when I imagine that, I think the same thing you think, why on earth would I choose to do that? I’m too tired. I don’t know what to do with them. I will be exhausted. I don’t “have” to.
Children, teens and really just people, the people God has placed in our lives, they can be exhausting. But do you know my biggest fear?
<h3>That those closest to me won’t have memories of their relationship with me.</h3>
It is not by accident that those who join you at the dinner table are at <em>your</em> table. <em>You </em>have something to offer them. They need us to share with them the journeys the Lord has had us on. They need to see us laugh. Doesn’t hurt for them to see us cry. They need our hugs. They need us to tend to them We are moms. We are carved out for just that. To show the nurturing, tender, compassionate side of our King.
So when I feel tired or overwhelmed,
I remember that He has equipped us for every good work.
I remember that we are making memories.
I remember that we are building relationships that will last a life time.
They are precious in His sight and they are precious in mine.
I will rest tomorrow. I will play today. Live!
Let the games begin!
<div ><img title=”Let the Games Begin” src=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ep-Tatpdb9U/T-tg5Zq3HUI/AAAAAAAAAM4/YZHGtlXpyIs/s320/022.JPG” alt=”Candy Gibbs, Pearls, Chosen, Purity Curriculum, parenting, parents, parenthood, parenting resources, positive parenting, raising children, help for parents, parent help, teenagers, how to parent a teenager, how to parent, parents of teenagers, purity, mentoring, mentor, mentors, mentor programs, mentoring programs” width=”320″ height=”238″ border=”0″ /></div>