Candy Gibbs

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The observance of Passover, Unleavened Bread and the Feast of First Fruits all happen within an 8 day span.  Passover and Unleavened Bread are pictures of what Jesus has done for us.  First Fruits is an observance of what Jesus did for us, but we have a very special part to play.

1 Corinthians 15:20 tells us that Jesus is our First Fruits offering. He literally rose from the dead on the third day of the Passover season, on Nisan 16, on the Feast of First Fruits.  Wow!  And because He was raised from the dead, we have a guarantee that when we die, life does not end.  We will be resurrected to live with Him, raised from death to this life into eternal life, if we know Him as Savior and Lord.

First Fruit offerings that apply to us:

1)     Your tithe – the Word teaches us that the first 10% of all the money we make belongs to Him…when we tithe the first 10% as a first fruits offering, He blesses and multiplies the other 90% that we have.

2)     The Bible teaches us that you and all believers are first fruits.  Read James 1:18.  You are set apart to God as a first fruit.

3)     Salvation and the fact that the Holy Spirit dwells in you is a kind of first fruit…it is a deposit from God the Father that someday we will be fully, physically reunited with Him…. Romans 8:23.

The part of this feast that is so special to me is our opportunity to offer Him the first fruits of the gifts and talents He has given us.

<b>Part of the Feast of First Fruits was for the priest to take a sheaf of barley and wave it before the Lord as a wave offering…in Leviticus it says, “so it will be accepted on your behalf.” </b>

<b> </b>Let us pray that the Lord would speak clearly to our children and reveal specific things He would like for them to offer as a first fruits offering to Him.   It is my prayer that our young people would begin to recognize His voice and hear it.  I am asking that He would speak in an undeniable way into their hearts so that they will begin to become familiar with His voice.  Also, pray that they would really take seriously their first fruits offering, realizing that the first and the best belong to the Lord.  He will then bless all that remains for our benefit.

To our God who is able!  Candy

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