Candy Gibbs

Words cannot adequately explain what it is to have a baby, whether naturally or through adoption.  It is a climactic point in the life of parents.  They experience a flood of emotion as they realize that each child is an absolute gift from the Lord – a gift on loan from the Lord whom they must nurture into the person the Lord wants them to be.  That is indeed a high calling and a great deal of responsibility.

We dedicate our lives to raising our children to fear God and achieve all His plans for their lives.  This is a bond that happens whether biological children, adopted children or step children.

Women love deeply.

I love the story of loyalty, dedication and love in Ruth 1:3-18.
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<h2>Our relationships with other girls are sacred…</h2>
<li>How many of you have ever said something about your mom…like how it frustrates you when she calls your home phone and your cell phone 15 times in 10 minutes…but if someone else said the same thing about her….they would be fighting words.</li>
<li>When you need advice, how many of you would call you your grandmother or your aunt?</li>
<li>When you watch I Love Lucy re-runs late at night and it’s the chocolate factory episodes…you call your sister to share the moment?  Girl relationships are sacred.</li>
<h2> Our relationship with other girls is life giving…</h2>
<li>When we are tired or overwhelmed with life, coffee and a pedicure with your daughter or your best friend, makes everything better.</li>
<li>When our daughters struggle with self-image or a breakup with their first boyfriend, we get out the ice cream and root beer and tell them that we know it doesn’t seem like it now, but we know from experience that the sun comes up tomorrow.</li>
<li>One of my favorite things is that in those situations when you beg the Lord to please take a burden away from your daughter and give it to you…even though sometimes He doesn’t do it in the natural…He does often allow you, as her mom, to carry the weight of it for her spiritually and emotionally.</li>
<h2> Our relationships with other girls are forever…</h2>
<li>I would bet that you have a friend or family member who you can just look at in that way, and no words need to be spoken.</li>
<li>I bet that you have a female friend or family member you rarely speak too, but when you do hear from them you are able to pick up right where you left off.</li>
<li>In the best times of life or in the worst times of life…we want to be surrounded by our girls.</li>
Our relationships with other girls are precious to us.  Let’s agree to send a text or card to our special “girls” today.  You are special to me.

My love, Candy

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