Proud Moments
Posted on June 17, 2013 in Uncategorized
This year for Jake, we asked our closest friends and family to write him notes of encouragement. Each of those notes were placed in their own balloon and he spent the day popping balloons and being encouraged by the people he loves and admires. That really made me think. I am so grateful for the people of character that my kids are so privileged to be surrounded by. Coaches, teachers, aunts, uncles grandparents, siblings and friends…all people who would lend a helping hand in an instant and who would also encourage and not “step in” if that is what would be best for developing strength. I thanked my God for this blessing.
I began to think about parenting and what a high calling that is. For many years, I have been convinced that we must be purposeful in our parenting. That strong, productive, spiritually powerful adults don’t happen by accident, but are the outcome of influential people investing in them years prior. I believe that we have to be diligent about being with our kids and spending not just quality time, but large quantities of time together as well.
This Tuesday night, as I stood and watched my son, a brand new teenager sleep, some things really struck my heart in tender places. All of a sudden, in a new and profound way, I realized that I am the woman that God chose to teach this amazing young man how his own wife someday should treat him. That I am the woman that God chose to teach him how a princess of the Most High should be adored and tended to. That his dad will teach him to be a man of valor, honor and courage, to fight the good fight. And as I stood there, to my knees I went. I am honored to be that woman!
<div ><a href=””><img src=”” alt=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ border=”0″ /></a></div>
<div >Here is Jake with the West Point wrestling coaches.</div>
A few of the things I want my son to know:
<li><strong>I want you to chase <em>hard</em> after Christ! </strong> Don’t you believe the lie that the life of a believer is boring or easy. It is full of adventure and challenge and He has equipped you for every good work that He has prepared in advance for you! You finish this life with dirt under your finger nails, sweat on your brow and trying to catch your breathe! He is LIFE! Go hard after Him!</li>
<li><strong>Be a strong man of great courage.</strong> I want you to keep yourself pure and set apart for the wonderful bride God has chosen for you. Don’t give one piece of your warrior’s heart to a girl who has nothing vested in it. You, my son, are too valuable. Your character and your hopes and dreams will come at a high cost to you. You will lay down your life each day to follow Him on this great adventure. Only one woman, one who is journeying the same kind of road, will be worthy of a piece of something with such a high cost. She will have earned it when she stands beside my son and vows to fight hard as your life’s partner.</li>
<li><strong>Be different.</strong> You are a leader. Be confident in who you are!</li>
<li><strong>You know that greatness thing? You are called to it.</strong> You can do all things through Christ who gives you strenth. Change your world! Win them to the Kingdom.</li>
<li><strong>You, son, are one of the greatest, most precious gifts I give to this world. I am committed to you. </strong> Not to be here to punish you when you make a mistake…though you will make some. But to spend my energy, wisdom, emotion and prayers to partner with our Father and your dad to mold you into the mighty man I know you are created to be.</li>
As I tucked in a 12 year old and anticipated waking up a teenager…I treasured the thought of mid-night dates, having him lay his head in my lap while we watch a good movie, cheering like a crazy momma at sporting events, and peeking in on him as he spends time with the Lord early in the mornings…I was grateful and blessed. Still felt like a little short of breathe like I’d been kicked in the stomach, but confident in the man He is becoming!
Thanks for letting me take a little detour today. Blessings and love to you!