Candy Gibbs

Making a good choice begins with having a plan and being ready.  We talk to our young people about being ready to go on time, being ready for big events, and being ready in sporting events.  But do we talk to them about being ready to do good?
<h2>The concept of being ready implies preparation.</h2>
In order to be ready to do anything, you must have spent some time thinking it through and taking measures in preparation.

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I don’t want our teens to miss any opportunity presented to them.  <strong>That means they have to be ready! </strong> I know you have attended many sporting events where you have heard people say, “Be ready!”  The ball may or may not come to a player, but if it does, that athlete needs to be on his toes, focused, trained and ready to move.  It is no different when we think about being ready to do good!
<li>Step one must be that our kids are insightful to what the “good” thing to do in a situation would be.  We need like never before for our children to understand the good choice or the good response.  Good rarely means easy and often time choosing the good can involve sacrifice.  Teach your children to recognize the good response in situations.</li>
<li>Choosing good is also a great lesson in being different and being a leader.  Making the good choice can mean standing alone.  Yet, we want our children to do good, no matter what anyone else around them is choosing.  1 John 3:7</li>
<li>I pray that the Lord will show them favor and that they may be an influence for good.  On a regular basis, I ask the Lord to allow our children to walk in favor and influence.  I want us to stop fearing that our children will be “influenced,” and start believing that God can use them to be an influence for Him.</li>
Your prayers make all the difference.  Don’t take it lightly…the weapons of our warfare are mighty for pulling down strongholds.  If you have a fear or worry about your family or your children, step one is to present it to the Lord and ask Him for direction.  We are not in this alone.  He wants to give us insight and wisdom — all we need to do is ask!

Standing together! Candy

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