Candy Gibbs

<p ><a href=””><img alt=”Easter Bread” src=”” width=”360″ height=”262″ /></a><span >photo credit:<a href=””>Jennifer Perillo</a></span></p>
As we have recently celebrated Resurrection Sunday, I’ve decided that I would like to share just tidbits of information that surround the Feasts of the Lord that truly are mind blowing.

Passover is a one-day holiday.  The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins the day after Passover and is observed for seven days.  The basis behind the Feast of Unleavened Bread is to remove all leaven from the home.  Leaven represents sin…sin is the factor in our lives that causes decay and ultimately death.  Jesus had no sin and therefore His body never saw decay.  That is what is meant by Psalm 16:10, “…because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.”

1)     Pray that our teens will pursue understanding and biblical truths on their own.  You know that when your own personal walk with Christ came alive was when you took it personally.  That is our desire for our children.  It reminds me of hearing someone describe seeing beautiful scenery or participating in a thrilling event.  It is one thing to hear about it second hand; it is a whole other thing to experience it for yourself.  We want our young people to experience it.

1 Chronicles 16:9; Job 5:9; Job 9:10; Psalm 17:7

2)     Pray that our children would have obedient spirits.  Jesus, who was God Himself, was obedient and respectful to His earthly parents.

Luke 2:51

3)     Pray that each young person would grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man.  I am convinced that our teens are to be a light in the darkness, to impact the Kingdom.  Ask God for favor and influence for your child, for your husband and for yourself.  The favor of God will propel us to places of influence more quickly than any effort or gift of our own.  When God sets us in place, it is evident to all.

Luke 2:52

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11

My love, Candy

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