Candy Gibbs

Welcome to 2013!  My family and I enjoyed lots of fun times together over the holidays and I am cherishing every last one of them!  I am anticipating 2013 and all that God has planned.  I was just having a conversation with a friend and co-worker and said, “If things aren’t measuring up to our dreams, they certainly don’t measure up to His. His dreams are always greater than ours.”  I hope you have big dreams for this coming year!  My prayer for you is that you will have strength to match your mountain and that your gaze will be set firmly on the destination.  I believe that 2013 is a year for opportunities to make a significant Kingdom impact.  I am praying for you!
<p ><img title=”Welcome 2013″ alt=”Candy Gibbs, Brian Gibbs, Pearls curriculum, Chosen curriculum, Purity Curriculum, parenting, parents, parenthood, parenting resources, positive parenting, raising children, help for parents, parent help, teenagers, how to parent a teenager, how to parent, parents of teenagers, purity, mentoring, mentor, mentors, mentor programs, mentoring programs” src=”” width=”502″ height=”368″ /></p>
One of the callings that I believe the Lord has for me and our ministry is to support and engage godly parents.  Parenting is a 24 hour 7 day a week commitment and purpose.  The issues are vast and the emotional energy it takes can leave us tired and even feeling isolated.  Do other families struggle with the same issues?  What are tools that they have discovered to help them in this stage of life?  Are there parents and mentors further down this road who can speak encouragement to me?

Finding answers to some of these questions as well as some spiritual encouragement and practical support for parents and families is the said purpose of this blog.  I am excited about the project I am currently working on!  It was a team effort of myself, two of my co-workers and twelve powerful college students.  I am writing a book that is based off of our discussions and a weekend “summit”.  The product will be a tool for parents who are focused on raising their children to be influencers and overcomers.  I cannot wait for you to see it!

I have a favor to ask of you.  I need your input.  I would like to know the topics that are most pressing for you.  What would you like information about and no topic is off limits?  I have several blog posts in the works, but would love to hear from you on some issues you would like to see covered.   Another exciting component to the blog will be the addition of some guest bloggers.  Based on the topics you all suggest, either I or a particular guest blogger will give it a shoot.

Please post your suggestions in the comment section below.  One more thing, the more interaction we have through this blog, the better for all of us.  We all have things to offer and to glean.  I would love for this to be a team effort!

Okay, so here we go!  Give me your comments and suggestions for topics you would like to see addressed over the next several weeks!  Excited about the journey!

In Him,


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