Candy Gibbs

Fall, football and, you guessed it…the <strong>Walk for Life</strong> are in the air!

CareNet is a buzz with preparation for the upcoming Walk which will be on <strong>Saturday, September 15</strong><strong><sup>th</sup></strong><strong> at 9:00 am.</strong>  The Walk for Life is one of our three fundraisers.

One of the things I love most about the Walk for Life is that it is a great time for the family.  We will have food, fellowship and tons of fun while coming together as the body of Christ in unity in support of life and in honor of our Savior Jesus Christ.
<p ><strong>This is your special invitation to join us!  </strong></p>
<p ><img title=”Walk for Life Invitation” src=”×800-300×199.jpg” alt=”Candy Gibbs, Pearls, Chosen, Purity Curriculum, parenting, parents, parenthood, parenting resources, positive parenting, raising children, help for parents, parent help, teenagers, how to parent a teenager, how to parent, parents of teenagers, purity, mentoring, mentor, mentors, mentor programs, mentoring programs” width=”300″ height=”199″ /></p>
It is easy to participate…simply click on the Choose Hope Banner below.

<a href=””><img title=”Hope Choice” src=”×68.png” alt=”Candy Gibbs, Pearls, Chosen, Purity Curriculum, parenting, parents, parenthood, parenting resources, positive parenting, raising children, help for parents, parent help, teenagers, how to parent a teenager, how to parent, parents of teenagers, purity, mentoring, mentor, mentors, mentor programs, mentoring programs” width=”300″ height=”68″ /></a>

You will see a Walk for Life Flyer, click there and then print off  a walk form.  Ask your friends and family to sponsor you with a one-time, tax-deductible gift.  You don’t need to collect money.  Simply fill out your form with all of your sponsors’ information and will take care of the rest.  Bring your form with you on September 15<sup>th</sup> or, if you are unable to attend, you can simply mail your form to us at PO BOX 50342, Amarillo, TX 79159.

The Lord continues to do amazing things through the ministry!

<strong>In 2012 alone, CareNet has served over 7,000 people!  </strong>

<strong></strong>Of 45 women who initially intended to abort, 43 had a change of heart and chose life for their babies.  Hundreds have participated in our mentoring programs and educational classes and to date this year, 65 people have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior!

CareNet Pregnancy Centers are a vital ministry, a safe haven and refuge from the storm for those in crisis.  CareNet provides life-affirming alternatives to desperate people, as well as, long term help to enable them to make positive choices for themselves and their families.

CareNet also offers mentoring programs and character programs to teens and pre-teens all across the region.  We believe that our youth can be influencers and have Kingdom impact on their peers and campuses.  We are committed to sharing the gospel with all who come through our doors and to showing them the love of Christ which has the ability to change lives forever!

But there is still more to do!  We are seeking the heart of God and asking Him to continue to use our ministry to the fullest to reach people for the Kingdom.

If you are unable to participate in the Walk yourself…would you consider sponsoring my Walk?  I am competing with the staff and if you know me well, you know that is great motivation for me!  But most importantly, this ministry has been life changing for me and thousands of others.  I want to see our community changed by the fullness of His grace!

Please join me!


If you are interested in sponsoring me, please email me here <a href=””></a>
<p ><strong >Click Below for Walk Form</strong></p>
<a href=””><img title=”Life Guard” src=”” alt=”” width=”289″ height=”303″ /></a>

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