Candy Gibbs

Through the ministry of CareNet, we have a good handle on the pulse of the culture.  Our children are exposed to things many of us did not know until well into adulthood.  Our teens face peer pressure unmatched in previous generations.  Our families are under attack and fighting to maintain ground as they stand for the values established in the Word.  The world is lost, hurting and starving…not only physically, but spiritually.  It can be overwhelming.  It can invoke fear…fear for the lost and hurting, but fear for our own children and families as well.

It can make one feel like heading off to a faraway cave, can’t it?  I was in that vein of thought when the Lord reminded me of Elijah.  Elijah had just proven God true and mighty to the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel when Jezebel declared that she would kill him.  Fear.  Elijah ran and hid, in a cave.

 The Lord came to Elijah and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”  The Word tells you…the Almighty spoke those words in a “gentle whisper”.  

We have the privilege to minister to “cave dwelling” women, teens and families each new day.  The fear of the out of control, unknown of their situations has sent them running to hide.  Brings tears to my eyes to recount in my mind the many times I have heard that gentle whisper… “There is a better way.” “I will never leave you or forsake you.” “I will draw you to the wilderness to love you.”  “You are Mine.”  And then watched as those gentle words pierced the heart of a hurting beloved child of the Most High with power, in an instance making crooked places straight. 

Funny to me that in our fear and uncertainty, it is a gentle whisper that we truly need.   Only He can speak in a whisper and bring life to dead things.  Only He can enter the scene in a manger on a silent night, and change eternity for all generations.  Only He can calm our fears and charge us to do great exploits for the Kingdom.  Only He…

My love, 
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