No room at the inn…
Posted on December 16, 2013 in Uncategorized
Tonight I had a little helper who was trying to help me finish the last bit of decorating. She rushed into the kitchen and exclaimed that she needed THAT cake stand for a display she was creating in the dining room. The cake stand had a small nativity scene sitting on top of it. She scooped up Mary and Joseph and the rest of the cast and crew and gently let them fall into my cupped hands. I turned this way and that, trying to figure out what to do with Joseph and Mary. Realizing it was 7:30 and that I needed to finish making dinner (yes, I realize most Southern families eat at 5:30 or 6:00…) I carefully placed them next to a large bottle of Cascade dishwashing liquid . I wanted to turn Mary’s face away from the GIANT pile of dishes in my sink and wrapping paper on the counter. I didn’t want her to know that her son died for me, but I can’t seem to finish loading the dishwasher. After dinner was simmering, I moved the group into the den. I kept searching for a spot where they could sit and look cute and be noticed. Every spot was taken by other “things.” My big beautiful nativity scene was broken in our move, so this miniature one was a tiny reminder of what I SHOULD be focused on this season.
I think Mary was thinking “dejavu”. No room at the inn…no room at the Pybus house. No one LOVES decorating for Christmas more than me. However, I do get convicted in little moments throughout the day which cause me to stop and think, “maybe if Mary and Joseph are stacked up next to a bottle of dishwashing liquid in my kitchen, it might be time to do some rearranging” figuratively and literally. So, this has lead me to the conclusion to think outside the box. I’m breaking up the band. I’m placing each member in a different part of my home that I visit often to REMIND me of why we have a Christmas.
Learning in my 40’s to embrace life…I couldn’t do it without my wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Currently embracing my BIG DREAMS with small results lifestyle. My “Pinterest Self” is amazing, but in reality I have stacks upon stacks of laundry, papers, and real life things. Mom of two incredibly opposite girls (who doctors said I might never have…but God knew differently) Audrey and Kate. Wife of Mr. Structure, aka Dewayne. God brought us together so he could have a little fun and I could have a little order (very little.)