Son of God Movie
Posted on March 7, 2014 in Uncategorized
Are you going to see the new “Son of God” movie?
I watched much of The Bible when it aired on UP. I have read several commentaries in magazines and on blogs regarding the series, this new movie, and even the producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey. I will also say there are parts of the series at least that were inaccurate and others that just simply played out differently than they unfold in my mind. All of that to say, I love that there is a film about our Christ. I love that people went out on a limb to portray the strongest, most holy Being ever to grace this planet and to display the most beautiful love story of all eternity on the big screen.
This film isn’t perfect. The producers certainly aren’t, they are human. Christianity isn’t perfect either. Love is perfect. His love is perfect, and as the movie says…”His love will change the world”.
This film isn’t perfect. The producers certainly aren’t, they are human. Christianity isn’t perfect either. Love is perfect. His love is perfect, and as the movie says…”His love will change the world”.