Candy Gibbs

In honor of Mother’s Day, this is a must read…  

I love being a mom, probably the aspect of my life that can be the most rewarding and most convicting.  Some days I feel like I might truly be nominated for “mother of the year” and on others that my kids must surely want to trade me in.  I am sure that you can relate!  

So, for you, moms…I want to thank you for all of the sleepless nights, the wrinkled blouses, the vomit stains on the carpet, and the tear stains on your pillow.  Thank you for the millions of miles you have driven to get them there on time and the few, long feet you have walked down the hallway to make something right.  Thank you for taking the smallest piece of pie and wearing last year’s Easter dress so she could have a new one.  Thank you for all the cookies for teacher appreciation week and for the hot chocolate when he lost the big game.  Thank you for teaching them the truth of God’s word and the power of walking in relationship with Him.  Thank you for staying up late and getting up early, for caring about their math test and their skinned knees.  Thank you for drinking one more cup of make-believe tea and for pitching just a few balls until he can end with a “good one”.  Thank you for accepting the hardest, most rewarding job on earth.  There is no one like you and we wouldn’t be the same without you.  Thanks, mom!



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