Candy Gibbs

As we celebrate the Fourth of July today, I am overcome with many thoughts.  How many men sacrificed their lives so long ago to gain the freedom for America?  How many men and women (including my own son, Tanner) are currently serving to preserve those freedoms?  There really are no words for how so very thankful for our military today, and everyday.  

I’m also overcome by just this word…freedom.  Yes, I am so thankful for the religious freedom I enjoy as a citizen of the United States.  But, I am even more aware of the freedom I have in Christ because of Christ.  I live free from shame, free from despair, free from all of those things the enemy would wish to throw back in my face. Now, do I struggle with shame and despair? Sure.  Do I live there? NO!  I live and walk and breathe freedom.  2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”  Well, the Spirit of the Lord is IN me, so I have freedom IN me.  Wow!  Galatians 5:1 says, “it is for freedom, that He has set us free.”  He wants us to be free!  And, Ephesians 3:12 says, “In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.”  I love knowing that I can walk right into the throne room, right up to my Abba Daddy with all freedom and confidence, don’t you?  He loves to lavish freedom on us.  

I hope today you have a wonderful day with your family–enjoying apple pie, fireworks, and remembering all that being a free American means.  But more than that, I pray you take time to sit with the Lord and remember all Christ has done for you to actually, truly practice freedom in your heart and mind.  

My love,   

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