Candy Gibbs


There is something powerful about a “blessing”.  Jacob stole one and then later wrestled with God for a real one.  Abraham prayed that not only Isaac, but Ishmael too, would live under the blessing of the Almighty.  The priests pronounced them and the Israelite people, as well as, you and I walk under a blessing.   A blessing can solidify our course and can provide encouragement and hope when things don’t seem to be going as planned.  A blessing is something of a spiritual inheritance.

I recently saw a text that started me thinking.  I have a beautiful family.  Oh believe me, we are not perfect and have our fair share of mistakes and difficulty in our midst.  But something that is more precious to me than words can do justice is the spiritual blessing and inheritance that my maternal grandparents have spoken over us and walked out in good times and in bad.  I have never had a meal with my Papa that we haven’t prayed.  I remember him serving as a deacon in his church for as far back as I can remember.   He now teaches a Sunday school class and there isn’t a day of the week that you will catch him when he isn’t studying for that coming week’s lesson.   I’ve not spent one of my 40 Christmases without listening as he read the story of Christ’s birth to his family.  My Papa is the spiritual patriarch of our family. 

Just a few days ago I saw a text where he told my son, “You have my blessing.”   So much beauty, honor, and power in that short sentence that it sent me straight to my knees.  My Papa, now in his 70s, blessing my teenage son…saying to him, our family’s feet are firming planted on this path.  Go and take the land the Lord has given you and make an impact for His great Kingdom.  You have my blessing. 

Wonder if we should be more deliberate in giving our blessing?  I am not talking about giving our “ok” or permission.  I mean have we spoken over our children declaring their spiritual inheritance?  Your family has been given an inheritance, and it is certainly beautiful.   The Father loves family and legacy.  Remind your teenagers today, whose they are and of the land He’s called them to.  They can change the world; sometimes they just need to be reminded that it is in their bloodline.  They are heirs of the King and they have your blessing.

My love, 

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