Not a Grey Matter
Posted on February 13, 2015 in Uncategorized
I have read many articles and blogs on the book and movie Fifty Shades of Grey, looked through the author’s website, and been offended by the preview of the movie that I did not pay or ask to see when going to see a different movie with my 15 year old son. I’ll just give you my opinion; you can take it for what it’s worth. Any attempt at justification for this “mommy porn” being described as “provocative romance”, sounds like a pathetic marketing ploy Hollywood is hoping we actually buy.
The story-line itself is degrading to the character Anastasia. The billionaire character Christian Grey is an evil, wounded man with money. There is no redemptive quality to this movie whatsoever. In my opinion, as a Christian woman, it should go unsaid that this book and movie are repulsive.
Most of the bloggers who have taken a stand on this topic have felt it necessary to apologize from the start and are sure to say that they are not trying to sound judgmental, or point fingers, or offend anyone. Well, I am not going to do that. We (Christians) belittle a young Christian mom who says she made a decision for herself, not to wear yoga pants, but will jump on the supportive bandwagon for immorality so as not to seem judgmental. I’m over it. There is still right and wrong (black and white, if you will) and it is NOT up to a majority vote. Thank Heaven.
I have also read blogs from women on the subject who claim to be feminist who are also into BDSM and say Fifty Shades of Grey is a free expression of the deep dark desires of women. I don’t buy it, but I am also not going to address. A young woman who holds this belief has made no mention of making a commitment or allegiance to a God who sacrificed His only son for her. But what about those of us who have?
Some movies do not deserve sophisticated analysis. They deserve sober repudiation. If the church cannot extend grace to sexual sinners, we’ve lost the heart of the gospel. And if we cannot tell people to stay away from 50 Shades of Grey, we’ve lost our minds. – Kevin DeYoung, Gospel Coalition
I would like to address Christian woman, many of whom are moms. If you are a believer, and/or a mom, how do you find enjoyment and entertainment in the victimization of a young woman at the hands of a broken, sick, wealthy man? What is appealing about that? How does one justify support of the enemy’s twist on what God created to be a beautiful, pure, life-giving blessing? If your Christian husband were proudly viewing porn unapologetically, would you dismiss it as harmless, provocative entertainment? I hope not. But then you don’t get to use that as an excuse to watch filth either.
For years the Enemy has worked to win the hearts of men by pulling them into pornography and luring them with extra-marital affairs, but he’s after the women now, and he wants their hearts.- Dr. Juli Slattery, Pulling Back the Shades
What does it say to our children when we support and waste our time focused on something that blatantly flies in the face of His Word and the truths that we say we base our lives on? It is hypocrisy to the highest degree.
Please either mean what you say or don’t.
Choose a side and stand on it.
We have an entire generation searching for truth and boundaries, wanting to believe in something greater than themselves. Many fighting with all they are worth in a culture that spits in the face of their God. It is a sad day when Christian parents are one of the biggest obstacles our teens have to overcome to find Him.
No matter our excuses for being entertained by Mr. Grey, we must be willing to admit that since we are supporting the normalization of sick pornography, then we are in part responsible for the fallout on our kids and our society. –Dr. Meg Meeker, Family Talk
For Christians, and for Christian moms, this one is a no brainer.
I suppose there are some “grey” areas…but Fifty Shades of Grey isn’t one of them.
I would love to know your thoughts.
My love,