Sacred Secrets Sunday
Posted on July 20, 2015 in Uncategorized
I had the privilege of leading a group of women through Beth Moore’s study “Sacred Secrets” yesterday. We spent seven hours focused in on secrets. Good and bad. The latin root for secrets means “to sift apart”–meaning, we sift out what we want the world to see, but God wants to deal with it all. The secret lumps and clumps we don’t want to sift for through.
Just a few nuggets of truth from this weekend…
1. The theology of secrets is that “secrets manifest”. We all know this to be true, but to hear it repeated throughout the day made an impact. Secrets manifest, secrets have an outward affect, secrets eventually reveal themselves.
2. We should be authentic with all, transparent with most, intimate with some. Choose your words and those who receive your words wisely.
3. Revelation is God’s way. Exhibition is the world’s way. (Think social media!!!)
4. If you want to partake in Kingdom secrets, get in the secret place with God. Hide yourself in an intimate place with him. “You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble, You surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7
5. ”Eat it, before you tweet it.” I just loved this one. Beth was talking about when people tweet a profound quotes from a speaker as the speaker is still actually speaking. There is no time for the person tweeting to really process the information before putting it out there for the world to read.
6. God wants to deal with the bad secrets, He wants to share good secrets with us, and He wants to meet us in the secret place.
What a wonderful time we had cramming it all into one day!