My mind can’t comprehend the things that are coming, my eternal life. My mind can’t physically imagine being with Jesus and all the earthly “dead” people. Will we be in a spirit form? Will our bodies be as real as the nose on your face? Is heaven a spiritual place or is it a literal place outside of the universe that is impossible to get to? Will I see my earthly family and know my friends as well as I do now? Those thoughts have been constantly flowing in and out of my head. If I’m going to be honest, it’s not a great feeling, not understanding. We must have faith and seek truth. If truth is Jesus then we must seek His at every moment. The things we can’t comprehend are things that Jesus is saving for us to find out on that glorious day. Since we’re not going to understand until that day, We have to live everyday as its our last. What would u do if there was no tomorrow. If this was your last week with the people your surrounded with how would you treat them? If you could see the finish line after a really long race would u slowly walk through it or would your body go into adrenaline and run faster then you’ve ran the whole time? I’m not saying Jesus is coming back next week all I’m saying is if you would choose to live knowing that it was your last week, why not live that way everyday for the rest of your life? Your earthy life could be done tomorrow. But your eternity would be just beginning.