Candy Gibbs

Thank you for joining me again on the blog today!  A few days ago, I shared the first portion of the banquet speech along with a client video.  Today, I’d like to continue rejoicing in what God is doing through CareNet Pregnancy Centers & Mentoring Programs and let you in on THE BIG NEWS!  Below is my speech and another awesome video!

Much love,

candy gibbs, rescue parenting, teen parenting amarillo, parenting help amarillo, parenting teens amarillo


I love to hear our clients share their stories (see previous post).  For each that you saw on our video tonight there are a hundred more but each is unique.  The Lord is faithful.

Our theme verse in Isaiah tells us ….

“I will make you…to restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritances,

to say to the captives, come out and to those in darkness, be free.”


To restore land…to reassign its desolate inheritances…

Psalm 127:3 “Children are a heritage from the Lord offspring a reward from him”

Psalm 94:14 “For the Lord will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance.”

Children are a heritage of from the Lord.  We, his people, are His very own inheritance.

Abortion has been a heartbreaking, abomination in our country since  its legalization for any reason throughout all 9 months of pregnancy in 1973 through the Roe v wade court decision…the discussion, the battle over life and death, right and wrong, choice, has gone on far longer than that.

Planned Parenthood opened in Amarillo in 1968 and are still in operation under their new name of Haven Health Clinics.  Around 1992 or 1993, they moved into a building at 1501 S. Taylor. Though Planned Parenthood or Haven Health, as far as we know, never performed abortions locally, they certainly were a wonderful partner to the abortion clinic in Lubbock and many others in surrounding areas.  Planned parenthood provides contraception to minors, connects pregnant women and teens with abortion clinics and at one point in their past, even had a gay teen club for our local young people called OUTstanding Amarillo in this very facility on Taylor Street.  For 22 years, that facility was a haven for mistruths, deception, loss of innocence, and darkness.

There is a small space in downtown Amarillo that the Lord has given us that is a quiet place where we meet with Him.  For the last 5 years consistently, I have looked out over Amarillo and prayed for other ministries that we are blessed to have here, prayed for the Lord’s direction for CareNet, prayed specifically for many of you and your families…One thing that I have consistently asked the Lord for is the next generation.  Not the remnant, not a few…but all of them, every last one of them…I have asked the Lord to give us a platform with our young people and their parents…I have asked Him to remind Amarillo, TX that our children are our heritage and I have asked Him to please not forsake His inheritance, His people.

I have asked Him to restore the land…

Join us in the coming days as I continue to share with you what the Lord is doing with our new building and with the ministry of CareNet!

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