Candy Gibbs


It is my opinion that fear is one of the only, and certainly one of the strongest, tools of the enemy.  If He can make us afraid, he can render us powerless.  Our focus becomes the object of our fear and causes us to shrink back and be distracted from our calling.

More and more frequently, we deal with tragedy and it has caused us to discuss fear with our children.  I would just like to share some thoughts as we equip our children to live vigilantly in this day and time and to live as more than conquerors, without fear.

  1. It is important to explain the difference between a warning (a feeling we get alerting us to a situation) and gripping fear.  The Holy Spirit, on many occasions, has alerted me to something going on around me.  Sometimes He needs to get our attention so that we can listen intently to His instruction.  A warning can give us a feeling of anxiety, but the Word tells us that He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.  A warning, a heightened sense of awareness, is not to be confused with fear.
  2. If we have a child or a teen who can’t sleep at night due to worry or a child who is fearful to go to school every day…that is the enemy.  That is fear.  I love the verse mentioned earlier.  God does not give us a spirit of fear…but of power, love and a sound mind or self-control.  We are not victims!  Our children are not victims! The power of All Mighty God lives on the inside of them and He will speak to them.  Let’s train our children to be aware of their surroundings and empower them with plans of action.  Teach them to be bold and to be obedient to the Holy Spirit at all times and without question.
  3. Hiding God’s Word in our hearts goes a long way to defeat fear.  I know personally when fear begins to attack my thoughts, the best tools I have are the scriptures that I have memorized and I remind myself of them over and over until my thoughts have been taken captive.  I know we have all heard the scripture (and likely quote it to our kids regularly) “taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”  But have we taught them how?  It is done through worship, recalling scripture, and simply turning our focus toward Christ.  Fear is the enemy’s tool to turn our focus.  It makes me angry that he uses it against our most innocent. But greater is He that is in us…greater is He that is in our children.  He has equipped them for every good work He has prepared in advance for them to do!  Oh, how I praise Him!  We are not defenseless.  Our children are not victims, they are more than conquerors.  We can purpose in our homes that fear will not rule.  We bow in worship to the Prince of Peace, Who, by the way, is also the Lion of Judah!

Love to you,

candy gibbs, rescue parenting, teen parenting amarillo, parenting help amarillo, parenting teens amarillo

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