Joshua 24:15 “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
There is nothing in this life, other than the Lord Himself, that we (parents) are more passionate about than our families. Every family experiences difficult times and times that tensions and voices can get high. I remember a friends once telling me, “There is a battle, Candy. But the enemy doesn’t live in your house. When you go home, the gloves need to come down and the armor off and everyone needs to experience a peaceful refuge.” It is in that place, your home, a peaceful refuge that our passion is rekindled and we receive strength for the battle that lies ahead.
As you walk this road of raising teenagers, remember godly, righteous passion is always achieved through peace–even when things are difficult, frightening, or overwhelming. If it is His plan, you will walk in complete peace.
When Daniel entered the lions’ den, his flesh must have been quaking but his feet carried him in peace. When Abraham prepared an alter for Isaac, I know he was overcome, but his feet carried him in peace. As Moses faced a raging Red Sea he must have been confused and uncertain, but his feet carried him in peace. Our passion is to serve God, our vehicle is peace.
Choose peace in your home…at all cost.
My love,
Candy’s book Rescue is available here. Be sure to check out all of the Rescue products available, including the Rescue Prayer Journal and the entire Rescue Parenting Seminar in DVD format!