Flood Stage
Posted on January 24, 2017 in Parenting
I love the Old Testament. I love to read the stories of those on the front side of the New Covenant. I enjoy so much hearing the disciples recount their experiences with Christ, and it moves me so to see all they accomplished after Christ’s return to His heavenly throne. But it brings me such comfort and confirmation in my own life as one who is believing “without seeing” on the back side of the New Covenant, to study those who had to set their gaze forward to catch a glimpse of Him in their spirit.
Joshua must be one of my favorites for many reasons. He was a warrior in the faith and from the writings regarding Joshua, I believe that sometimes he “did it scared” as do I. But I go back to this story over and over again…
The Israelites are moving into the Promised Land and the walls of Jericho are still standing. The first obstacle they come to is the Jordan River, which we are told in Joshua 3:15 is at flood stage.
Have you ever felt like life was at flood stage? As the mom of two toddlers at home, just trying to keep everyone clean, fed, and not playing in toilet water… can feel like flood stage and the greatest accomplishment of the day could be taking a shower yourself! As a working mom, sending a baked good for the teacher’s birthday, making sure your children have PE clothes and lunch money, dealing with an unexpected and untimely case of acne, and getting yourself ready for an 8:30 am presentation…can’t you feel the flood waters spraying your face?! Or how about a mom raising teens… trying to get them to move faster, drive slower, talk to you longer, talk to their friends less, enjoy school, enjoy that certain guy less, and pick up their room but with a good attitude…flood stages!
“And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord – the Lord of all the earth – set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap.” Joshua 3:13
Recently, my youngest two, Jake and Madi, and I made a trip to the mountains. My kids are just like yours, we face the same difficulties and temptations. We experience the same emotions. Just before heading off to Colorado…I began to ask the Lord, I just need some space. Room enough to move and breath and connect with my kids. Life is so busy and overwhelming, that if we can somehow push it back, create a little space of peace on dry ground, we can regain our footing and refill to move forward.
Joshua 3:13 ministered to this tired momma’s heart…when the priests (that’s us), who carry the ark of the Lord (that’s His very Presence) into the flood waters of our lives…the waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand in a heap. I focused on doing just that. Inviting the Presence and the Peace of the Almighty to joins us, to overshadow us, and to push back the flood and He did just that. We laughed. We rested. We laughed. We hiked. We laughed. We ate. We laughed. We played…. did I mention, we laughed. And I cried, because I was so thankful for the space in this busy life to experience two of those most dear to me…on dry ground.
We went on a day hike and saw some of the most beautiful creation of the Father. But I believe this was just for me.
“…Each of you is to take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, to serve as a sign among you. In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ Tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever.” Joshua 3:4-7 It was His Presence all the time.
Praying your flood waters are pushed back today,