The Hook-Up Culture
Posted on February 2, 2017 in Parenting
I wrote a book in 2014 and focused on parents raising teens in a drowning culture. And, believe me, there is more and more evidence that we are wading through a drowning culture. I ran across an article from The Gospel Coalition entitled “Hope for the Hook-Up Culture.”
The author of this article, Owen Stratchan addresses claims made by “a brand-new book, American Hookup, by sociologist Lisa Wade shows that boundaries-free sexuality is now the dominant force in shaping campus sexual culture. Wade’s text, driven by reports from students themselves, shows that many are bewildered and broken by modern sexual codes. Wade believes the solution to this reality is to dive further into hookup culture. “We need to say yes to the opportunity for casual sexual encounters,” she argues, and to “a way of being sexual that is forward-thinking and feels good” (25, 246).
Stratchan summarizes what the bible has to say about the “hook-up culture”:
1. Promote an ethic that focuses on the whole person, not ‘hotness.’ (Gen 2:24-25, Gen 1:26-27)
“Students are being trained by a secularizing culture to use one another in casual encounters. The church must promote a better vision, one grounded in mutual love and biblical fidelity.”
2. Promote God-honoring romance, not sexual utilitarianism. (Gen 2:24, Eph 5:22-33)
“Hookup culture guts sex of meaning; biblical teaching makes sense of the passion and connection sex yields.”
3. Train men to care for women, not prey on them. (Eph 5:25)
“They need a greater call, a higher standard, and a worthy Savior.”
4. Help students see they are not defined by their sexuality. (John 1:12, Eph 1:5, Romans 15:7, 1 Cor 6:17)
“Beyond those called to marriage, men and women alike need to know that sex isn’t what defines them. Singles sometimes feel left out of the conversation over sex, but godly singles have a profound and valuable opportunity today. They can show a culture organized around sexual identity that God alone is their all.”
I would encourage you to read this article in it’s entirety. It is important that we as parents understand what the “hook up culture” is and how the enemy is using the so-called norms of society to bait our teens into destruction. Our kids are being raising in a drowning culture, yes. BUT, they are not called to merely keep their heads above water. They are called to rise up and walk upon the waves with Him! Let’s believe they can. Let’s believe that they can live counter to the “hook up culture” all around them!
My love,