Posted on March 14, 2017 in Parenting
As we tackle goal setting, I decided on one more topic I would love to address…Dreams. Recently I spent the day with some incredible Middle School students. My friend, Patrice Thompson, helps me lead this group of students and she presented a lesson to them on dreaming. Sometimes I wonder if our young people take time to dream? In the midst of a crazy schedule, academic rigor, athletic demands, expectations of teachers and trying to live up to their parents’ dreams for them, do our young people dream?
- It is important that we take time to dream. We are a “hit the ground running” kind of a family. We jump out of bed ready for the day and race until we fall into bed at night, most days that is. I am sure that you and your family can relate. Do your teens, do we, take time to dream? When was the last time you laid on your lawn and watched the clouds go by and thought about what you’d like to be when you grow up? When was the last time our teens sat by a stream and wondered what all their possibilities were? We can fill up every moment of our day, week, month and life and choke out every opportunity to dream. Take time to dream.
- Guard your dreams. I am reminded of the story of Joseph who was a dreamer for sure. His dreams were accurate and from the Lord. But he shared them with his brothers who were not capable of guarding and fostering his dreams. Instead, “they were jealous of him” (Gen 37:11) and were dream stealers of sorts. I believe that the Father wants us to love, but to love wisely. We must also be wise with whom we trust with our dreams. It is our role to help our teens and preteens discern which people in their lives are safe and trust-worthy and would be a guardian of their dreams. Greatness and purpose are in the hearts of all He has created. His ways and thoughts are much higher than ours. When He begins to reveal purpose and calling to our children, it can seem overwhelming and huge. Yet, He is able to accomplish all He desires in and through them. When our children share their dreams with us, we should encourage them to dream. In response to Joseph’s dreams, the Word tells us that Jacob “kept the matter in mind.” As parents, let’s commit to pray over our kid’s dreams and ask the Father to have His perfect will in their lives.
My love,