Repairer of the Breach (Part Three)
Posted on March 22, 2017 in Parenting
Thank you for joining me again on my blog. I have been sharing with you about the CareNet Banquet recently on March 9, 2017. Please see the first two posts in this series. I wouldn’t want you to miss a thing!
During this season, we are going to focus on restoring ruins, restoring streets, repairing breaches.
Last year at the CareNet Banquet, we announced to you that we had purchased the old Planned Parenthood (or Haven Health Clinics) building downtown. We have been in full operation there for several months now and my are we seeing the Lord work! Lots of restoring and rebuilding has taken place, but it looks amazing. We have had client after client tell us how different the building feels now than it did when they utilized the services of Planned Parenthood.
Because you all came alongside of us, and agreed with us as did the Israelites with Elijah…let’s start rebuilding!
So many amazing people, businesses, churches, and organizations have come along side of us to make the restoration of that land possible. The property is valued at well over a million dollars. Our current debt on the building is $174,000 for the remodel and $325,000 for the purchase of the building. We are asking the Lord for the resources to pay off that debt so that we can continue to increase the ministry we provide to our clients.
Over the past 29 years, CareNet has touched over 143,512 clients. Last year alone we served 16,512 clients…that is clients coming in our doors, not including presentations in churches and schools! That is an average of 1,376 clients every month!
Our ministry is 3-fold, we serve men, women, teens, and families before they find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, we minister to people in the midst of their crisis, and then we continue to journey with them following that situation. All of our services are free of charge and confidential. We don’t receive any state or federal funding…all of our support comes from churches, private grants and from individuals like you.
That is a decision that was made years ago and we have never wavered because we are committed to offer Christ to every person who walks through our doors. We can offer people classes, and resources, but if we do not offer them Christ then we have failed. Last year, 120 people made Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of their lives through the ministry.
CareNet is a pro-life ministry and we are called and committed to be a partner with the Lord as He restores foundations and rebuilds ruins…hurting women, teens and families work through our doors daily…faced with overwhelming circumstances and surveying the rubble as they begin to process the news of an unplanned pregnancy. We invite them inside the wall of truth and foundation and we continue to rebuild. We remind them that life is precious and they have a Father who sees them. That He has provided this refuge for them to come and receive encouragement, prayer, help and the resources they need to go back to their section of the wall and to begin to rebuild, stone upon stone.
In 2016, 358 pregnant women came through our doors seeking an abortion, and of those 346 chose life! 97% had a change of heart!
Our God is good!
In my opinion, the most significant breach we face is in regard to the next generation…our children and our teenagers. Spend some time with any adult who works with teenagers, either in a public school or at church and the stories they will tell about disrespect, entitlement, and immorality will be a dime a dozen.
- Children as young as 8 years old are developing an addiction to pornography because we as adults enjoy the hours our children spend unsupervised on ipads and cell phones.
- An alarming rate of teens are using drugs, drinking, and participating in risky sexual activity.
- Sending, receiving, and requesting sexually explicit pictures and videos is an everyday discussion in middle and high school classrooms.
- Parties, parent sponsored, involving drugs, drinking, and sex with multiple partners happens every weekend.
- Sexually transmitted infections are on the rise including orally.
The very sad truth is that this is all, in fact, true. Every year I come and make these facts known to you. But let me tell you what is also very true…
WE ARE REPAIRING THIS BREACH…Please hear me when I say that we will not stop until our kids, our teenagers, the young people of Amarillo Texas and the Panhandle…have a strong fortified wall that represents truth and hope… a wall that they call put their hands to and realize that no matter what happens out there, no matter what the world is doing…we are safe within the refuge of His Word and His protection.
There is such a thing as truth, purity, and righteousness…they will know that He values them and He has placed greatness and eternity in their hearts. He has called them overcomers, more than conquerors, mighty in His strength. He has equipped them for good works prepared in advance for them. They are world changers and they decide the house that they are building for the next generation and may they be wiser, more skilled, and powerful builders than even we are for the glory of His great Name!
One of the ways we are repairing the breach is through our mentoring programs. In 2000, we began offering mentoring programs because we believe in the next generation and we are willing to fight for them…these programs have grown from our first program, Pearls to a total of 7: Chosen, Squires, Bravehearts, TrueU AND Lead Council, #reach4greatness are character development programs offered free of charge to public schools. These programs have literally exploded!
In 2014 we offered Lead Council on 5 campuses, now, Lead is on 12 public school campuses. #R4G is offered on 48 area campuses by a team of approximately 40 speakers! Okay now listen in…in 2015 CareNet had 43,906 interactions with parents and teens through mentoring programs…in one year that number grew to over 63,000!
It is easy to find those who will give you the laundry list of all the unconscionable characteristics and actions of our children.
But it is my honor to give you another list…
- This year at an area high school over 60 students come regularly and over 100 on occasion, one morning each week to be prayed over by a group of student who started the prayer time on their own. This prayer gathering has now spread to the middle school and students come every week to pray for their peers and to receive prayer.
- One devotional at a local high school lead by a high school student, lead 5 students to Christ. Three went into a closet in the classroom and prayed on the spot.
- Local high school students have on their own volition went to BSA and rode the elevators and prayed for anyone who got on.
- Christian athletes are witnessing to their teammates and students are being saved.
- Local students are doing prayer walks around their schools asking the Lord to pour out His Spirit.
- High school students are mentoring and encouraging younger students.
- Students are dedicating success in the arts or athletic events to the glory of God.
God is moving in this generation!
My love,