Candy Gibbs

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.”

Christopher Robin to Pooh

I have loved every moment with my boys.  Tanner is now 25 and Jake is 18.  Both of them are now bigger and stronger than I am physically.  I have laughed as I watched them wrestle each other.  I watched in amazement as they learned new things, learned to fix things, and enjoyed the wonder of a night sky.  We have chased bugs, dogs, and each other.  I have laughed with them until we cried and cried with them over some monumental life changes. They are my boys and I am so proud of them.

One of the most important callings as mothers that we have with our sons is to model what a godly woman looks like.

  • Your relationship with Christ speaks volumes to your son.  When he knows that you are up early before the house comes alive, spending time with the Savior it will bring him great comfort and peace.  He will recognize where it is your help comes from and will respect you for it.  If your relationship with Christ isn’t most important to you, why should his be to him?  Your sons watch and they take it all in.  If he knows that you seek the throne room of the Almighty on his behalf and then you linger as the Father whispers plans and callings for that young man to his mother…it will matter to him.  A godly woman chases hard after Him.
  • Physical beauty is in abundance in our society.  But as a mother, we must teach our sons, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30.  Now can I just say that I am 100% anti the idea of no make-up, long dresses, and buns?  That is not what I am talking about.  But one thing that breaks my heart is to see mothers dressing in an immodest and inappropriate fashion.  Dress in a way that represents your husband, your sons, and your daughters for that matter, with grace and dignity.  Your sons will not only learn from your example as he seeks his own bride, but he will love you for it.
  • Praise his dad.  For so long our society has mocked fathers.  A young man looks up to his dad.  His dad is often times his first hero.  Recognize and appreciate the strength in his father.  We can’t interfere in their relationship.  Allow your son’s father to teach him to be a man, after all that is his job.  You can support your husband and follow his lead.  We are the example to our sons of what a godly wife looks like.

Your sons watch you.  They admire and respect you and they will use our example as they seek out their life partner.  Let’s focus on Him and lead our boys down the path that leads to Life and Joy!

My love,

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