Could this be the year?
Posted on September 19, 2017 in Parenting
I love seeing the Lord reveal Himself. Certainly no one knows the day or the hour that our Savior will rapture His Church, but after the Chosen girls’ study of the Jewish Feasts, we are quite sure His return will be some year during the Feast of Trumpets!! Hallelujah!
My pastor, Jimmy Evans, does an incredible job of drawing attention to signs of the times in this episode of Marcus and Joni on Day Star. Please take a few minutes to watch. I am also including a portion of our Chosen lesson on the Feast of Trumpets.
He is a good Father who has not left us in the dark. The girls and I say that He loves to play hide and seek, but He loves to be found. It just takes a little looking and we see Him around every turn. Even so, Lord Jesus, come!
The Feast of Trumpets centers around the blowing of the Shofar, a horn made from a ram’s horn. Silver trumpets and the Shofar are a part of many Jewish celebrations, but there are two times in scripture when God Himself blows the Shofar. In Exodus 19:18-20, when His Shekinah glory descended on the mountain when He met with Moses and He will again blow the trumpet (Zechariah 9:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) when the Messiah comes to Rapture His church. Wow! What a sound that will be!
Trumpets in Israel had 3 major uses:
- Trumpets gathered an assembly before the Lord (Num. 10:2-4)
- Trumpets sounded a battle alarm (Numbers 10:9)
- Announced the coronation of a new king. (1 Kings 1:34,39)
The last trumpet of GOD will:
- Gather an assembly to the Lord – the Rapture of the Church
- Sound God’s battle alarm – against Satan
- Announce the coming and soon coronation of a new King – the Messiah (Isaiah 2:17)
As you pray this week, let’s pray that we would all turn our focus toward the Kingdom and the great anticipation that must be taking place in the heavenlies. As God the Father lays out His plan for us, those standing in His presence know that the next thing to happen will be for Him to reach for the Shofar and call His family home! Pray that same anticipation would burn in our hearts and we would be hard at work, running the race, so that when He calls us home we will have sweat on brows and dirt under our fingernails…that we would have been about His business. (Luke 21:28)