Posted on November 24, 2020 in General
Wouldn’t we as parents love it if the hours we spend exercising or doing a quiet time, taking our vitamins, or eating vegetables could have a direct benefit on our children? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we did the hard work and our kids received the benefit?
Wonderful, but not realistic.
The sad fact is, we can’t fight their battles either. Not any more than we can take their vitamins for them. Just doesn’t work that way.
I see parents so ready to come to the aid of their children because things aren’t always fair. Their math teacher doesn’t like them, or their coach was unfair. So parents call whoever happens to be in authority to set things straight…to make sure their child is treated fairly.
Pretty ironic that an attempt to insure fairness really is an act of injustice to our child.
When we step in and try to solve all of the issues our children face we weaken them and we steal from them the joy of effort and achievement. Succeed or fail, it feels good to set your sights on something and work hard to achieve it. Like working out and lifting weights builds their physical muscles. Overcoming adversity and working hard builds strength in their character.
Our children’s self-esteem is not improved or sustained by our empty praises and accolades. Their identity is in Christ and their self-esteem is strengthened when they succeed or fail, win or lose…effort, sweat, tears, goals, persistence…builds overcomers.
Struggle well.