God Time
Posted on March 13, 2021 in General
Something that I remind myself of often is that the same Holy Spirit that lives in me as an adult, lives in our children if they have accepted Christ as their Savior. He is not limited by their age. When my children were younger, we would read from Bible storybooks each night before bed, but as they have gotten older, it has become important to me that they read and understand the Word of God. I think all of us as believers tend to lean on other people’s interpretation of scripture through devotional books when in fact, we should read God’s Word for ourselves and allow Him to teach us. The same is true for our tweens and teens.
- Growing up our children had devotional books. They spent their own personal quiet time each day. My son preferred to do his first thing in the morning and my daughter before bed. We incorporated a journal that I share with each of them. They write things the Lord is teaching them or things they are struggling with and then leave their journal on my bed for my response. This enabled us to have some wonderful, intimate conversations and some great laughs and has continued into their college years as young adults.
- At breakfast, I would read to them from God’s Word and we talked about it. They learned to apply His Word to their lives. There are some interesting stories in there for sure and always great for getting deep conversation rolling! It is as simple as reading a chapter while they have breakfast and focus on their day. It doesn’t replace their individual time with the Lord but is a way for your family, as a whole, to start each day with their eyes turned toward Him.
As our children get older and they are beginning to make big decisions about their futures. Where will they attend school, what will they pursue as a career and soon, who will they chose as their spouses? All quite weighty to process for a mom who could possibly be a little on the “controlling/worry” side of the spectrum. However, I must say that I trust our good God completely. I know that His ways are perfect and will hold abundant life for my kids. When I see each of them pursuing Him, listening to Him and living their lives in fearless obedience…well, that is what it is all about. No need for me to try and control, manipulate or worry. I trust Him in them.
That is what we are after…leading our children to the feet of the Savior. Every day.
My love,