Fall Is In the Air
Posted on August 27, 2021 in General
Fall, football and, you guessed it…the Walk for Life are in the air! I am praying for you and your families as children and grandchildren head back to school. May the Father show them favor and allow them influence with their peers!
Hope Choice is abuzz with preparation for not just one, but TWO Walk for Life events! Both walks will take place simultaneously on Saturday, September 10th at 9:00 am, one at our Medi-Park branch, 6709 Woodward and the other at our new location on the campus of WT, 201 26th St, Canyon.
The Walk is one of our three fundraisers. One of the things I love most about the Walk is that it is a wonderful time for the family. We will have food, fellowship and tons of fun while coming together as the body of Christ in unity to support life and honor our Savior Jesus Christ. We would love for you to join us!
It is easy to participate! Download a walk form at hopechoice.com/walk/ or go paperless and use our online fundraising tool and ask your friends and family to sponsor you with a one-time, tax-deductible gift. You don’t need to collect money. Simply fill out your form with all your sponsors’ information or direct them to your online fundraising page, and we will take care of the rest.
If you would like to use the paper form, please bring it with you on September 10th or simply mail to us at: PO BOX 50342, Amarillo, TX 79159.
The Lord continues to do amazing things through the ministry. In 2021 alone, Hope Choice served over 6,100 clients in our offices and interacted with over 190,000 students last school year! Of 1,007 pregnant women who initially intended to abort, 987 had a change of heart and chose life for their babies. Hundreds have participated in our mentoring programs and educational classes, and so far this year, 60 people have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior!
Hope Choice Pregnancy Centers are in our community, a haven and refuge from the storm for those in crisis. Individuals continue to experience difficult circumstances all around us. Our question for each individual remains, “How can we help?” Our new location on the campus of WT will allow us to continue executing our mission to equip, mentor, and strengthen future generations by reaching young people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our 13|30 college ministry will consist of weekly worship meetings, Bible Studies, a coffee shop, sand volleyball, a discreet client room to serve young women, and MORE!
Hope Choice offers mentoring programs and character development programs to teens and pre-teens across the region. We believe that our youth are to be influencers and have great Kingdom impact on their peers and campuses. We just wrapped up RISE Summer Camps 2022 in July for both teens and kids. 180 total students registered, 33 accepted Jesus as savior, and 16 were baptized!
We will continue to raise the standard, which is the Word of God, and will continue to walk in the calling He has for us and point the next generation toward theirs. We are committed to sharing the gospel with all who come through our doors and to showing them the love of Christ, which can change lives forever! But there is still more to do and we are seeking the heart of God and asking Him to continue to use our ministry to the fullest to reach people for the Kingdom.
If you are unable to participate in the Walk yourself…would you consider sponsoring my Walk? I am competing with the staff and if you know me well, you know that is great motivation! ☺ But most importantly, this ministry has been life changing for me and thousands of others. I want to see our community changed by the fullness of His grace! Please join me!
My love and thanks to you in advance…it is my honor to lock arms with you, to serve with you!
Shield to Shield,