“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9
Fully – completely: to the greatest extent possible or required
Committed – devoted: devoted to somebody or something such as a cause or relationship
The Lord’s eyes range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully completely, to the greatest extent possible committed to relationship with Him. As 2024 draws to a close, I must say this year was difficult at best for me. Now, certainly there were incredible things that happened particularly related to Hope Choice and all that the Lord is doing in and through us. But growth and a broader scope in ministry, the widening of the tent pegs so to speak, often requires much energy, persistence and sweat. Our newest and 4th location in Mesa Verde is in full swing and doing great…but it took a huge push to get that thing rolling! Personally, 2024 was difficult. Jake is in his final year of medical school. We’ve moved him from place to place and travelled the country for interviews this last semester. That has been such treasured time together that I wouldn’t trade for anything, yet tiring at the same time. Madi is now officially a CPA and working at a wonderful firm in Amarillo while serving at Hope Choice and 13|30. With all our children now fully in adulthood making their own life decisions, Brian and I are experiencing a new normal. It’s wonderful and difficult all at the same time. If you have adult children, you can certainly relate.
As I approach 2025, the deepest cry of my heart is to be fully committed to relationship with the Father and that He would strengthen me. In order for me to stop busy moments from becoming busy hours and busy hours becoming busy days and weeks that evaporate as I just do the next thing in front of me…I am choosing to make adjustments on purpose. I am asking the Lord to point out things that I need to focus on and change to improve my personal life, my spiritual depth, my family relationships, and most importantly my relationship with the Lord!
I am praying the same for you, for all of us. That we would keep our eyes on the Lord, above distractions and things that would draw us away from Him. That we would be fully focused, fully present, and fully committed to HIM in the coming year!
Blessings! Let’s Go!

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