Delight Yourselves in the Lord (guest post by Brandon Slay)
Posted on March 5, 2015 in Uncategorized
Question: How does one delight in The Lord?
Answer: There are 5 things we Christians need to do to delight ourselves in the Lord.
1. Remove the junk: God can’t be part of sin. Yes, we are all fallen and we all miss the mark, but God calls us to get rid of the sin in our lives. Whatever you are struggling with, you must lean into God and eliminate that sin from your life. I used to get drunk all the time, cuss daily, and live in sin with my girlfriend. I had to get rid of that junk and began walking with The Lord daily. How did I do that? I made a commitment to avoid drunkenness. I made a commitment to clean up my foul mouth. I made a commitment to purity at the end of 1999. Do I still stumble with sin? Of course, but I’m no longer a slave to sin. Sin no longer controls my life because Christ set me free. John 8:36 says,“if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Through God’s amazing grace I am forgiven. Through God’s amazing grace you can be forgiven and set free from the sin that so easily entangles you. I don’t know what you struggle with, but quit clinging onto your sins and give them up to God. Matthew 10:39 says,“If you cling to your life, you will lose it, but if you give it up to me, you will find it.” GIVE IT UP!
2. Prayer: Begin seeking The Lord through prayer daily. Talk to God with eyes closed, eyes open, and whenever you feel that desire. Humble yourself before Him. Prayer is humbling because it’s admitting that we are not in control. If you are worried, ask God for strength. If you are happy, thank God. If you need something, just ask your Ultimate Parent, the Almighty God. Trust me, when we commit to getting rid of the junk in our lives, we will need God’s help. James 4:2 says, “You do not have, because you do not ask God.” Simply ask Him!
3. Bible Study: Begin digging into the Word of God. You don’t have to read 20 chapters a day. It’s not about distance. It’s about depth and your motive. If you read one verse a day and it really touches you, that’s Bible Study. But, as the Word touches you, you’ll want to read more. I promise. God spends quality time with us through His Word. Ezra, who was one of the greatest heroes in Biblical history, knew the importance of Bible Study. Ezra 7:10 says, “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” Ezra not only knew the Word, he applied the Word in his life. As you read the Bible, don’t forget to apply it’s infinite truth to your daily life.
4. Worship: Praise God through music! Praise God through nature! Worship is our opportunity to truly thank God for all He has done, does, and will do for us. Psalm 95:6 says, “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” Anytime is a good time for worship!
5. Fellowship: Spend time with other believers for encouragement and strength. Fellowship with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ is extremely important for our spiritual health. Get involved in a group Bible Study each week. Meet Christians for coffee or for dinner when you can. As we have fellowship, we must never forget to pray and share our faith with those who don’t know Christ. We are called and commissioned to share our life with the lost. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus calls us to “Go and make disciples of all nations.”God want us to go. 2/3 of God’s name is GO. If you feel scared or unequipped to share your faith in Christ, I encourage you to read through “Sharing Life” from the Devotions link. Don’t be scared! Joshua 1:9 says, “The Lord will be with you wherever you go.”
As you began to delight yourself in the Lord, you will began to feel a peace you have never felt before. You will realize nothing compares to the greatness of knowing the Lord. Will you always have this feeling of peace? I don’t because I’m a lost sheep who often wanders away from my Shepard. Fortunately, through repentance, God brings me back to green pastures and quiet waters. He restores my soul.
If you feel lost right now, God can restore your soul. All you have to do is repent of your sin, sincerely believe Jesus died and rose for you, and receive His free gift of salvation. Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
If you have already chosen Jesus Christ, focus on delighting yourself in the Lord everyday in everyway. If you have never sincerely believed in Jesus and asked Him to come into your heart, I encourage you not to wait. Choose Him! Choose Eternity!
Brandon Slay
Twitter @coachslay
My love,