A BIG thank you!
Posted on September 11, 2014 in Uncategorized
“Reach down your hand from on high; deliver me and rescue me from the mighty waters…” Psalm 144: 7
CareNet staff and Board of Directors, thank you so much for your support and prayers. It is truly my privilege to serve with you. Rescue required much time and emotion and without you we would have surely drowned.
Provenance Consulting, you are amazing and we will never be able to thank you enough. You have given life to a vision from the Father to impact our culture for the Kingdom. I am forever grateful.
Amy Powell, thank you for using your incredible gift of grace and organization to make our filming weekend happen so smoothly.
Christy Hilbert, I love your passionate pursuit of the Father. Thank you for helping me to communicate with the Lifeguards and for loving so many so well.
Rick and Brenda Trafton, thank you for sharing your retreat with me and for loving me and my family. I love you so and your life is an outflow of your intimate worship of our God. I humbly thank you.
Whitney Gossett, you are the most professional, diplomatic, adorable young woman and I am better for working with you. You are such a gift.
Ana Hoeksema, the Lord has simply yoked us together. Thank you for encouraging when I thought I’d quit and believing when I could not. We made it! Love you.
All you other prayer warriors – and you know who you are – you cannot know what strength and peace came to us through your pouring out your heart to the Father on our behalf. We felt as if we were carried on a wave of His Presence. Thank you.
Fedd Books, I am so grateful for your patience, encouragement, and expertise. Great job! Matt Rowley, thank you for staying the course. I am always honored to serve with you, my friend.
Pastor Jimmy Evans, thank you for your prayers and for always standing with us. You are always on His side and for that I am so grateful. You are a treasured friend.
Lifeguards – because I believe in you and in His Spirit who is alive and active in you, this project is a reality. You prayed for me. You encouraged me. You literally lead the way as we swam these uncharted seas. You are the real deal and I love each of you. I am always in your corner. Struggle well.
Brian Gibbs, we have done it again. You are the visionary and courage of this outfit. Thank you for dealing with my late nights of writing and early mornings in tears. Without you, I would not be me. I love you. You speak peace to the storms and hope in the midst of chaos. You are the best.
Tanner, the last time I wrote an acknowledgement for you I said, “Be a great man of God.” While working on this project you became a United States Airman. I am so proud of you and Whitney. I love you, Nerd Face.
Jake, you are a leader and I love you. Thank you for believing in me and what he has called our family to, you amaze me. I pray peace and adventure for you as you swim the waves with Him. I am proud to be your mom. 4.
Madison, you are a joy and delight and I am so thankful the Lord gave me you. You are a beautiful balance of strength and grace. You see people for who they are. I am honored to be your mom. I love you, Madio.
Lord Jesus, I am thankful that You are sure footed on the roughest seas, and when we turn our gaze toward You, You calm our storms. I love You more than I can ever express. Thank You for loving me first. You are truly my Rescue.
I am so honored to have experienced this journey with each of you!