Candy Gibbs

(Today’s post is a continuation of the CareNet Banquet presentation.  Click the links to find Part One and Part Two.)

John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Another translation of that verse is…”The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not understood it.”

CareNet sees many miracles and has opportunity to shine the light of hope for a different tomorrow and a safe way out for thousands of people each year. 

But the most life changing moments are those when the sweet one before us suddenly understand that we carry the light…but, Jesus Christ is the Light.

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12

Last year, 91 people accepted Christ through the ministry of CareNet.

As our family, part of that victory and all the others mentioned here are yours as well.  You are champions for the cause of Christ.  Many of you are new friends and many of you have stood next to us since the beginning.  The babies saved in the early years, now have babies of their own.  Women who carried the burden of a past abortion for years have found forgiveness and freedom.  Families afraid of tomorrow now have hope, and literally thousands destined for an eternity of darkness now have new life in Him because of you.  You are our heroes.

There is more to do.

Our mentoring programs serve 3 different school districts currently.  There is a need for more.  The limiting factor for exponential growth in this area is limited only by the number of staff we have to teach…the need and requests are extensive.

Our SouthEast branch near Caprock High School has grown from 20 clients the first month they were open last February to 77 this February.  We have a wonderful facility and are offering the full range of services there, but there are many more people in that area to tend to.

We are committed to being a beacon of hope to those experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.  Meeting them where they are means advertisement on social media and the internet.

We have written two different curriculums; Chosen and Pearls and are finishing up our book for parents.  We are committed to developing resources for churches and smaller centers that do not have the staff and support that we do.  This is important to further the message of life and the gospel across the country and it takes financial support.

John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Thank you for lighting our candle.  In our community…by His grace and might…the darkness will not overcome it.

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8 

We invite you to continue to spread light and partner with us.  Click here to see how you can help CareNet continue to be a part of the light.  

My love, 

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