Candy Gibbs

Wow.  Been feeling the sting of a fiery dart lately?  I must admit that sometimes they hit me when I least expect them.  I’m not sure how theologically correct this is, but in my mind, a fiery dart from the enemy are those thoughts that unexpectedly invade a perfectly fine day.  Maybe it’s an accusation about something we did in our past or, even more painful, the thought that someone may find out about something we’ve done in our past.  Could be a fear of a choice our children may make or the fear of the embarrassment that choice may cause us.  It could be the smallest doubt of the reality of our salvation or that lingering fear that our husband may be spending a little too much time with his secretary or his nurse.  Could be insecurity about the future or anxiety about balancing the checkbook.  It could be a multitude of small thoughts that with a quick release from the enemy hit us in an area of vulnerability and derails the whole train.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes…so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand”  Ephesians 6

So when the day of evil comes…not if it comes, but when…do we have our armor on?  I love that our Great King has not left us vulnerable.  If we will put on our armor, of course He has protected us!

Belt of Truth – We have a belt of truth around our waist.  Truth around the very core of our being where we gain our balance.  The truth of God’s Word is the balance in our lives.  It keeps us centered.

Breastplate of Righteousness – The Word also tells us that we are the righteousness of Christ Jesus.  He is our righteous.  When the enemy looks at us…he sees the righteousness of Christ.  And it is His Righteousness that is a shield over our hearts.  He is the guard over our very lifeblood.  He stands guard over our hearts against his enemy.

Feet fitted with the gospel of peace – He has not given us a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind…and we walk in peace.  His Peace is the covering over your feet which means it doesn’t matter what circumstance you walk into…your feet, with every step, carry with you the gospel of His Peace.  You truly do walk in peace my dear friend!

Shield of Faith – I love this one!!  When I pray this over me and my family each morning I ask the Lord that when the enemy looks at us, that all he will see is an enormous shield of our faith!  We may not understand the battle we are in, but we do know the Victor and He is mighty to save us!

Helmet of Salvation – Our helmet of salvation covers our mind, our thoughts.  When the enemy would come in to make you doubt your God or you salvation, this helmet of salvation will not only reassure you of your salvation…but I love that I remember what He saved me from!  I know what I am capable of, believe me!  But I also know what He is able to save me from!  Thank you Jesus for a Helmet of Salvation!

Sword of the Spirit – This has got to be my favorite, the only offensive weapon in our armor is the Sword of the Spirit…the very Word of God!  When you have your coffee in the morning and in the still of the moment here the gentle sound of the pages of the Holy Scripture turn, your enemy hears the chilling sound of sword leaving its sheath…and he should be very afraid.  Because the Word is alive and active in you! 

This was a great reminder for me today of a few things: 

1)  If we weren’t in a real life battle, we wouldn’t need armor!  So don’t take it lightly!

2)  Each morning it is my responsibility to put on the armor the King has graciously provided me and it is just my size!

3)  The Sword of the Spirit is a highly effective weapon…let’s wield it!!


My love, 
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