Candy Gibbs

<p ><a href=””><img alt=”Amazinggracesetg_lg” src=”” width=”375″ height=”248″ /></a></p>

<h2 ><span ><span >Thank you so much to all of you who entered our giveaway last week. </span></span><span ><span >I am excited to announce that we have a winner!</span></span></h2>

<a href=””><img alt=”Screen Shot 2013-05-20 at 11.29.42 AM” src=”” width=”344″ height=”170″ /></a>
<p ><span ><strong>Tammi Ward!</strong>  </span>Tammi shared with us this week:</p>
<p ><em>”My boys are grown men with beautiful families of their own. Each moment we spend together is my favorite. I love this present stage of their lives, watching them raise their children with strong moral and biblical values. Why? Because my grand children will know Jesus as their personal savior and spend eternity in Heaven. What more could I ask for?</em></p>
<em>Our favorite tradition would actually be split between several traditions. The family dinners we had every evening together discussing the days events, the prayer times and then Christmas traditions with extended family and each grand child getting their turn at reading the “Christmas Story, birth of Jesus.”</em>

Tammi, please contact Whitney Gossett at to pick your canvas! I hope you love it!
<p ><strong>To all of you who didn’t win, you can still buy these beautiful pieces of art at <a href=””></a></strong></p>

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