Candy Gibbs

<h2 ><span >“The wicked man earns deceptive wages, be he who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.” Proverbs 11:18</span></h2>
<div ><span >This morning when I was thinking about my sweet young mom Bible study group, the precious women who serve with me in CHOSEN, and of you.  An image came to my mind.  It was of you gardening in </span><span >a beautiful garden.  </span></div>
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<a title=”Across the Flower Garden by clickclique, on Flickr” href=””><img src=”” alt=”Across the Flower Garden” width=”500″ height=”384″ /></a>
<div ><span >The garden was one tended to by the body of Christ, not your garden alone.  There were large, healthy plants and flowers all around.  I saw you on your knees.  Working away, with joy on your face and in your hearts.  </span></div>
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<div ><span >You weren’t tending the large, self-sufficient, fully grown plants.  Those plants take less hands-on care.  You were tending to the tiniest, most fragile plants.  The plants that can be easily overlooked in the magnificence of the garden as a whole.  The plants that require more hands-on, deliberate and gentle attention.  The plants that need water daily.  The plants that need an attentive eye on them constantly to ensure weeds don’t creep in and over take them.  The plants that the gardener waits in anxious anticipation to see them grow and blossom into the strong, beautiful, and securely rooted creations God intended them to be. </span></div>
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<h4 ><span >The work you do for Christ is of the utmost importance. </span><span >It is beautiful to Him and of eternal significance. </span></h4>
<div ><span >Whether you are folding laundry, checking homework, doctoring a wounded baby doll, dancing to Chris Tomlin with a giggling 4 year old, or reading God’s precious word to an 8 year old, you are tending to the tiniest, most fragile plants in His garden.  He has placed them in beautiful, strong, chosen hands.  And those hands belong to some of my dearest friends.  Your righteousness will reap a sure reward!</span></div>
<div ><span >I love you so and I love that we have the same sod under our fingernails!</span></div>
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<div ><span >Encouragement for the Journey,</span></div>
<div ><span >Candy</span></div>
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