Candy Gibbs


Sometimes things just hit a nerve.  I am always emotional when folks are married and babies are born.  Christmas time and sunsets always seem to touch a deep place in my heart.  Here we are for round three, my last “mom of a Junior” year and can I just say I am a mess?

Tanner graduated in 2010 and, man, I can remember that day and those emotions like it was 8 days ago, not 8 years!  One thing that I have said over and over and something that has been a common response from my precious friends who will watch their babies cross the stage this year, “My goodness where did the time go?”  Often times in those moments, as parents, we wish we had said and done things that busy lives seemed to prevent.  I made a list of “musts” for Jake just less than two years ago and now it is your turn. So while sitting up late a few evenings lately, just pondering the times with the Father, I have decided to not waste another moment and to say just some of the simple things to my soon-to-be Senior daughter that would otherwise land on that regret list.

No one will ever understand your tender beauty more than your daddy and I do, but I am praying for that one young man who will equal us.

All those times you felt unseen, I saw you and better yet, He did.

We’ve laughed until we have cried over your precious innocence, but I promise you that is one of my most treasured gifts ever handed to me from the King.

You really are the strongest person I know.

I will never forget you learning to persevere and overcome. You learned that life lesson while learning to ride your bike. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Got you some skinned knees that weekend and it has brought you to tears many other times. But you’ve learned it. You are an overcomer.

You taught me what beauty is.

Dad always says its consistency, not intensity.  You are consistent. You take things one step at a time.

I admire you.

I sat in the hallway in tears many nights asking the Lord to give you, Tanner, and Jake a passion for Himself and His Word.  He did.

I am so honored to be your mom and I’m sorry for the times that must have been difficult for you.

Trust His voice most.  He knows the way.

You only get one chance to give your heart completely.  Choose wisely.

Chase Him with your last breath and run hard after Him.  It’s a blast.

I could not be more proud of the strong, tender, pure young lady you are.

People are better for having known you.

There will be days when you will miss home.  Maybe some of your favorite meals.  The late night talks with mom and dad.  You might miss the safe and secure feeling of being home or the fellowship and fun times with friends.  You’ll miss being tended to and maybe even the occasion argument with your brother or taking care of Duke.  You may miss the warmth of the fireplace and the light on when you pull in the driveway.  You will simply miss home.

Understanding that, dad and I, when you guys are at camp or off at school we do our best to ease the longing.  We will send care packages that contain your favorite snacks and sweet notes of love.  We will Skype and talk several times each week.  When we see something that would make you laugh or simply reminds us of you, we will send a text.  We will pray for the tests you take.  We will send you a new jacket for the fall that of course smells like home and pictures of all the recent events to give you a glimpse of home.  We understand the longing.

The sweetest thought occurs to me, our Father knows the same about us.  We long for home for He has placed eternity in our hearts.  We have heard stories about home and we image what it will be like.  We long for it even if we don’t realize that is where our hope resides.  So because He is a good and gracious Father, He desires to ease our longing and He sends us gifts from home.   He is willing to talk anytime we choose.  He sends us sweet notes of love in the smiles of family and the beauty all around us.  He is with us during our tests and He is there to lend an ear and offer advice.  He sends us smells from home after spring showers or during a walk through the woods.  He is faithful to send pictures through a sunrise or an ocean view to give us a glimpse into the majesty of home.  In His eyes and our intimacy with Him we feel the safety and security of home with the light left burning for us.  He is a wonderful Father.

We are not home yet thus the longing remains.  But a little longing only makes that walk down the drive way a bit sweeter.

“If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.  Instead, they were longing for a better country – a heavenly one.  Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. “Hebrews 11:15 – 16

Love you,  Mom




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